Scheduled For Release 2023-10-15
3 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-15
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2099-01-01
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-03-01
  • 0008622: [transport service] TCP and UDP communicator symmetric encryption
  • 0008628: [transport service] TCP communicator rekey after expiration time
  • 0008640: [transport service] Implement gnunet-transport for connectivity metadata
  • 0009127: [other] Lots of inactive tests that cause warnings on bootstrap
  • 0009253: [transport service] udp-communicator is talking to itself
  • 0005886: [cadet service] Use more secure algorithms in CADET (t3sserakt)
  • 0009263: [transport service] Transport is ignoring disabled IPv6 (thejackimonster)
  • 0002628: [NAT traversal library] network autoconfiguration code should be improved and moved into libgnunetnat (t3sserakt)
  • 0003346: [NAT traversal library] NAT functionionality and interaction with transport service has to be tested (t3sserakt)
  • 0003951: [NAT traversal library] Use STUN other_address to do our reversal test (t3sserakt)
  • 0005531: [transport service] support other TCP NAT traversal methods (t3sserakt)
  • 0006011: [transport service] [TNG] UNIX communicator performance issues (t3sserakt)
  • 0007189: [transport service] TNG tests with netns issues (t3sserakt)
  • 0007542: [cadet service] cadet still uses the legacy DHT hello block format (t3sserakt)
  • 0008596: [core service] CONG meta issue (ch3)
  •        0008630: [core service] Change symmetric encryption scheme to XChaCha20-Poly1305 (ch3)
  •        0003309: [core service] Core needs to indicate a peer's willingness to accept traffic for other peers. (ch3)
0 of 17 issue(s) resolved View Issues

GNUnet - 1.0.0

Scheduled For Release 2026-01-01
  • 0007214: [messenger service] Increase efficiency of messenger rooms
  • 0005615: [transport service] Support platforms without bluez
  • 0003867: [transport service] Fast WiFi transport / setup-helper should be implemented
  • 0005926: [transport service] service configuration inconsistent for ipv6 environment
  • 0001923: [transport service] SMTP transport plugin should be (re-)implemented
  • 0001935: [transport service] DV's bandwidth allocation is not really working as-is
  • 0001936: [transport service] need performance test for DV
  • 0005710: [transport service] TNG meta issue
  •        0005549: [transport service] bidirectional communicator test (t3sserakt)
  •        0005552: [transport service] congestion control for UDP
  • 0006401: [GNS] Filter DNS2GNS answers in some cases
  • 0001934: [transport service] transport's code to probe latency and switch transports needs refinement & testing
  • 0005650: [statistics service] Metrics collected by statistics lack canonical identifiers
  • 0003896: [transport service] GNUnet HELLOs break privacy, especially on IPv6 (t3sserakt)
  • 0009212: [messenger service] messenger service might log identifiable information (thejackimonster)
  • 0006433: [transport service] Writing a test to simulate an attack on the tcp communicator KX to test the replay protection.
  • 0006870: [transport service] [TNG] UDP Communicator should tell TNG service of outgoing queue on packet receipt (t3sserakt)
  • 0007943: [util library] vfork deprecated (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0007199: [hostlist daemon] Hostlist requests should include compatible hello version
  • 0007198: [hello library] Implement versioning for HELLOs
  • 0007887: [util library] GNUNET_MQ_inject_message in mq.c only handles GNUNET_MQ_ERROR_MALFORMED not GNUNET_MQ_ERROR_NO_MATCH (t3sserakt)
  • 0006102: [resolver service] Resolver limited to IP addresses
  • 0004581: [exit daemon] iptables not available on FreeBSD
  • 0007355: [file-sharing service] File service does not work in a multi-user setup (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0003866: [transport service] local peer discovery should be implemented (t3sserakt)
  • 0003651: [transport service] test_transport_address_switch testcases fail if no switching happens (schanzen)
  • 0005645: [DNS service] Issuing request to a local DNS service breaks node (schanzen)
  • 0005124: [transport service] segfault in send_with_session in transport service (schanzen)
  • 0005456: [transport service] Peers don't gossip about transport addresses they don't support (t3sserakt)
  • 0006555: [core service] Processing code for message of type 367 did not call `GNUNET_SERVICE_client_continue' after... (t3sserakt)
6 of 30 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-12-05
2 of 3 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2024-04-01
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.0

Scheduled For Release 2025-01-15
Production MVP
  • 0009206: [specification] nirvana for regional currency setup (Florian Dold)
  • 0009262: [wallet (Android App)] Unified UI/UX flows (avalos)
  • 0009247: [quality checkpoint] When ToS change in the Exchange, the user must be notified
  • 0008302: [deployment and operations] Current monitoring tools - Write documentation
  • 0008155: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)] acceptance testing of SPA with MG
  • 0009236: [wallet (all platforms)] The field "Objectif" in the creation order in French should be renamed (Stefan)
  • 0009412: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] add a status.html which list all the components with status + version (sebasjm)
  • 0009406: [documentation] documentation for various hash codes are lacking details (oec)
  • 0009394: [wallet (iOS App)] Suspiciously long loading time (MarcS)
  • 0009405: [wallet (all platforms)] Repurchase is broken (Florian Dold)
  • 0009399: [wallet-core] Netzbon withdrawl QR codes are broken (Florian Dold)
  • 0009371: [specification] Design and implement a unified /withdraw endpoint for age-withdraw and batch-withdraw (oec)
  •        0009387: [specification] introduce new withdraw protocol with single-signature for batch withdraw (oec)
  •        0009377: [exchange] [withdraw] refactor error handling (Christian Grothoff)
  •        0009372: [exchange] Remove code duplication for /age-withdraw and /batch-withdraw (oec)
  • 0009386: [auditor] account for bank wire transfer fees (incoming/outgoing) (sebasjm)
  • 0008035: [libeufin-nexus] get nexus to work with EBICS dialect of Maerki Baumann bank (Antoine A)
  • 0009334: [wallet-core] wallet does not automatically handle expired pay-merchant transactions, payment-expired test also only handles manual case (MarcS)
  • 0009376: [mechant backend] merchant backend should refuse order creation when account is not verified via KYC transfer (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0009351: [exchange] taler-exchange-helper-measure-tops-kyx-check incomplete (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0009367: [wallet-core] add flag to balance-change notification for transaction that change the user-visible balance (Florian Dold)
  • 0008567: [deployment and operations] Write Ansible playbook to deploy - Taler exchange (towards the taler-ops server) (dvn)
  • 0009346: [wallet-core] expose origin payto:// URI in reserve GET endpoint (Florian Dold)
  • 0009252: [wallet-core] fail to trigger second kyc, wallet core should move tx to kyc state (Florian Dold)
  • 0009342: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] Support locked account and token creation 2FA challenges (sebasjm)
  • 0008164: [other] Translation of Terms of service and Privacy policy to German, French, Italian [Pre-launch task #33 - Sept] (Stefan)
  • 0009329: [wallet-core] wallet-core should support shopping URL (Florian Dold)
  • 0008160: [wallet-core] Wallet UI: translation of UIs to DE/FR/IT (Stefan)
  •        0008159: [wallet-core] Wallet UI: review of message texts [July] (Stefan)
  • 0009238: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] Provide merchant self-provisioning service on (Florian Dold)
  • 0009277: [other] harness should be able to simulate kyc (Florian Dold)
  • 0009276: [exchange] Exchange should expose internal transitions/events on KYC accounts (Florian Dold)
  • 0009161: [wallet (iOS App)] Sending a small amount returns an error message. (Florian Dold)
  • 0008516: [documentation] need screenshots for DD53 (~2-3 hours) (MarcS)
  • 0009251: [wallet-core] increase max retry timeout for exchange entry when not required by any active tranaction [5h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0009243: [wallet-core] When an Exchange is not reachable, wallet-core should return "not reachable" instead of some JSON error (Florian Dold)
  • 0008734: [wallet (WebExtension)] bulk deletion (nullptrderef)
  • 0008158: [exchange] test, package and upload exchange 1.0.0 to ftp and stable Debian/Ubuntu server [2h] (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0008247: [deployment and operations] upload final 1.0 webext to Chrome Web Store [1h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0007814: [wallet-core] DD37: handle funky deposit txn case where aborting(refresh) might still need to do a refund [8h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008249: [wallet-core] review coinSelection.ts and improve tests [8h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008829: [wallet-core] wallet-core should handle deleted coins in deposit groups gracefully [5h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008843: [wallet (Android App)] Use Hilt injection framework to solve various issues (grote)
  • 0008351: [Web site(s)] Get screenshots from the latest actual mobile apps and the CHF exchange just before going live (avalos)
  • 0008777: [libeufin-nexus] confirm assumptions about c52 in zka/gls dialect. (Antoine A)
  • 0008017: [other] GNUnet FCFS GNS Registrar Post-mortem (sebasjm)
  • 0008561: [other] Create welcome package for NetzBon merchants also usable for Taler Operations onboarding [4h] (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0009400: [wallet (iOS App)] Cannot start a withdrawal with QR for (MarcS)
  • 0009395: [auditor] editorial code cleanup (oec)
5 of 49 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-31
  • 0008874: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] host systemd service should have health check for successful provisioning inside container (Florian Dold)
  • 0009388: [documentation] Add semver information to REST-API endpoints (oec)
  • 0009368: [exchange KYC SPA] Implement COBRA2 KYC onboarding in the style required by GLS (sebasjm)
  • 0008999: [libeufin-bank] Set limits to all variable size user inputs (Antoine A)
  • 0008641: [deployment and operations] Take into account Taler "keys" while monitoring with Grafana. (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0009353: [wallet-core] check denomination revocation logic (Florian Dold)
  • 0009349: [challenger] enforce read-only address data in challenger SPA (sebasjm)
  • 0009287: [taler-harness] implement DB migration tests for libeufin (and others) in taler-harness (Florian Dold)
  • 0008742: [wallet (all platforms)] i18n for all wallets [ongoing] (MarcS)
  • 0009007: [wallet (iOS App)] iOS wrongly reports a network failure when wallet-core cancels a long-poll network call (~ 4-6 hours) (MarcS)
  • 0008178: [documentation] specify and document AML SPA configuration in exchange handbook (sebasjm)
  • 0009222: [wallet (Android App)] interface between Android wallet and other apps should be documented (avalos)
  • 0009249: [wallet-core] improve performance of backwards transaction iteration (Florian Dold)
  • 0009248: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)] Provide tax information in Point-of-Sales app (grote)
  • 0009055: [merchant backoffice SPA] Merchant SPA is not mobile-friendly (nullptrderef)
  • 0009053: [exchange] add support for sanction lists [5d] (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0009190: [wallet-core] Check P2P-Expirations more often (Florian Dold)
  • 0009019: [specification] clarify usage of currency specification (avalos)
  • 0009033: [wallet (Android App)] Investigate wallet app performance (avalos)
  • 0008526: [wallet-core] parsing taler:// and payto:// should also get errors (sebasjm)
  • 0007903: [wallet-core] expose details about the amount lost (or final effective cost) after aborting transactions [16h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008848: [wallet-core] hide network errors for refresh transactions outside dev mode, show instead in dependent transactions [4h] (Florian Dold)
0 of 22 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.1

Scheduled For Release 2025-02-28
Last-minute changes for GLS public beta
  • 0009361: [mechant backend] transaction overviews for the merchants / Abrechnung für die Händler*innen (Damian Pilka)
  • 0009059: [mechant backend] support donation receipts (Bohdan)
  • 0009257: [wallet (all platforms)] Cancellation of the e-money contract / Kündigung des E-Geld Vertrages (MarcS)
  • 0007273: [exchange] taler-bank-benchmark should be able to launch libeufin [4h] (Antoine A)
  • 0009141: [auditor (SPA)] Auditor SPA (reserve) reporting is missing important values (Florian Dold)
  • 0009032: [wallet (WebExtension)] review labels on transaction details screen (sebasjm)
  • 0009121: [auditor (SPA)] remove *some* "suppress" buttons (sebasjm)
  • 0009060: [libeufin-nexus] finish support for Magnet bank core banking (Antoine A)
0 of 8 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.2

Scheduled For Release 2025-03-31
Open bugfest
  • 0009027: [exchange] expose measures that have been triggered to AML staff [1d] (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0009258: [wallet (Android App)] Informationen über erfolgreiche Aufladung / Information about successful top-up (avalos)
  • 0008740: [wallet-core] wallet core should return more specific error codes for failed HTTP requests [scope-unclear] (Florian Dold)
  • 0009187: [exchange KYC SPA] export information about context requirements for each KYC form (sebasjm)
0 of 4 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.3

Scheduled For Release 2025-04-30
  • 0009078: [mechant backend] Default wire transfer delay should be absolute (how)
  • 0007949: [specification] unified set of parameters for endpoint with pagination
  • 0009360: [mechant backend] consider computing refund deadline based on payment deadline, not order creation timestamp
  • 0009148: [mechant backend] merchant should have a default refund deadline
  • 0007948: [merchant backoffice SPA] add pagination API for inventory management (nullptrderef)
  • 0009038: [mechant backend] fix category CRUD api (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0008989: [merchant backoffice SPA] Better pagination in merchant SPA (nullptrderef)
0 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.4

Scheduled For Release 2025-05-31
  • 0009048: [exchange] introduce a default check and support vATTEST API [4h]
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.5

Scheduled For Release 2025-06-30
  • 0008704: [exchange] consider checking and storing output denominations in the refresh melt phase [5d]
  • 0009057: [wallet (all platforms)] support subscription and discount tokens (avalos)
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.6

Scheduled For Release 2025-09-30
Last changes before public launch
  • 0009284: [exchange] inefficient web serving in exchange mhd_spa
0 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.7

Scheduled For Release 2025-09-30
  • 0008995: [mechant backend] consider adding timing information to PoS confirmation codes
  • 0008899: [mechant backend] merchant backend should support bearer token authentication when talking to the bank
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues

Taler - 1.8

Scheduled For Release 2025-10-31
  • 0009315: [auditor] need tests for auditor KYC support
  • 0009058: [wallet (all platforms)] support donation receipts (avalos)
0 of 2 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2025-12-31
Features that are not in scope for 1.0 but we still want to keep track of.
  • 0009370: [wallet (all platforms)] bank dialects: netzbon
  • 0008443: [other] upgrade to ES2023 with latest QuickJS
  • 0009017: [other] test exchange business shutdown procedure, support alert in wallets
  • 0006396: [libeufin-nexus] Implement FinTS
  • 0006269: [libeufin-sandbox] sandbox should emit c52/c53 more like real banks do
  •        0006893: [libeufin-sandbox] Camt reports should respect time "chunking".
  • 0006268: [libeufin-sandbox] sandbox should support balances in c52/c53
  • 0007506: [libeufin (general)] Add helpers to generate test data.
  • 0006397: [documentation] write a good README(.md) file for LibEuFin
  • 0007344: [libeufin-bank] withdraw target unclear
  • 0006400: [libeufin-nexus] consider doing faster re-tries for some scheduled operations
  • 0006563: [documentation] document recommended rules for wallet's auto-refresh
  • 0007509: [documentation] libeufin-sandbox API doc lacks response status codes.
  • 0006399: [libeufin-nexus] review and document date/time/timezone handling
  • 0007592: [documentation] libeufin-sandbox implementation of Taler Bank Access API may omit HTTP status codes.
  • 0005962: [libeufin-nexus] find out details about EBICS case sensitivity
  • 0007507: [libeufin-sandbox] EBICS management spans two API routes.
  • 0006698: [libeufin (general)] general code cleanup required
  • 0006547: [libeufin-nexus] Offer raw EBICS upload for any message.
  • 0005955: [libeufin (general)] use EBICS return codes from EBICS spec, make sure correct codes are returned
  • 0006962: [libeufin (general)] CAMT reports need more structure to specify negative balances.
  • 0007569: [libeufin-sandbox] EBICS error codes should be fetched from the enum defined in Util.
  • 0006243: [libeufin-sandbox] sandbox filtering on EBICS date range is missing in C53 requests
  • 0006364: [libeufin (general)] Comments style.
  • 0007116: [libeufin-nexus] payment bouncing fee should be configurable
  • 0008614: [libeufin-bank] allow different fee classes for cashout (Florian Dold)
  • 0009355: [libeufin (general)] Enable Certificate Transparency support (Antoine A)
  • 0008988: [merchant backoffice SPA] Better handling of large images in product creation (avalos)
  • 0008916: [libeufin-bank] Idle logout of demo bank website (Antoine A)
  • 0007662: [libeufin-bank] error does not provide the field where the validation is made (Antoine A)
  • 0007721: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] Do not use pip3 with --break-system-packages (Florian Dold)
  • 0009001: [libeufin (general)] Abort early when a user cancel it's request (Antoine A)
  • 0007339: [wallet (WebExtension)] withdrawal triggered on insufficient balance does not work in demo (due to fees) (Florian Dold)
  • 0006664: [documentation] clarify normalization algorithm of contract terms and backup blob (Florian Dold)
  • 0005973: [libeufin-bank] report more information about a user's state (Antoine A)
  • 0008877: [deployment and operations] Make CI containers use ramdisk/tmpfs [estimate: 5h] (dvn)
  • 0008827: [wallet (Android App)] Fastline app description translation missing on Weblate (avalos)
  • 0007598: [wallet-core] review and revise backup APIs
  • 0008033: [other] i18n langs should not be part of the js bundle
  • 0008662: [wallet-core] implement background task to validate future exchange denominations / signing keys early (Florian Dold)
  • 0008468: [deployment and operations] regio: consider configuring a systemd timer to re-run taler-exchange-offline
  • 0008004: [wallet-core] wallet core should accept prepare a transaction when there is no network
  • 0005972: [libeufin-nexus] Avoid sending signed data before key exchange
  • 0006073: [libeufin-nexus] serialize some transaction state to the database
  • 0007658: [qtart] support threaded crypto workers
  • 0006800: [wallet-core] wallet should support link protocol (for double spend error recovery after restore from backup)
  • 0005947: [libeufin-bank] spec and implement proper generation of EBICS Host "OrderID"
  • 0007719: [wallet (WebExtension)] withdraw call to action should check if mobile withdrawal has been initiated
  • 0006558: [wallet-core] transaction item for "lost coins due to expiration" needed
  • 0007298: [wallet-core] wallet should allow optionally specifying (and remembering) sender information for p2p payments
  • 0007866: [wallet-core] transactions should keep some history data
  • 0007850: [wallet-core] aborting: "revive" or "resurrect" back to pending
  • 0006077: [wallet-core] sync support needed in wallet core
  • 0006614: [wallet-core] consider using JSON-RPC instead of custom, slightly different format
  • 0006505: [wallet-core] define UX and API for "global errors/notifications"
  • 0006582: [wallet-core] checking for refunds of a purchase should be possible from within the wallet
  • 0006039: [wallet-core] consider using underscores for the "public API" exposed by wallet-core
  • 0007841: [specification] merchant should require wallet to accept or reject refund
  • 0009407: [exchange] definition for various hash codes are lacking details
  • 0009049: [exchange] fakebank: support Extended Wire Gateway API
  • 0009316: [auditor] pending deposits not exposed via REST API
  • 0009207: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)] QR code generation reported as 'too slow'
  • 0008785: [deployment and operations] Update taler repository - Can't upgrade packages on
  • 0008036: [Web site(s)] CSP shared between many *, should be made specific to each subdomain
  • 0009091: [deployment and operations] [regional currencies] required answers should be marked as such.
  • 0008858: [deployment and operations] Warning when git pushing, related with Python version
  • 0008229: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] systemd timer to update exchange keys via taler-exchange-offline
  • 0008761: [mechant backend] Merchant backend instances for Woocommerce and Joomla
  • 0008964: [wallet (Android App)] implement mock banking app for Android to demonstrate wallet integration (avalos)
  • 0008137: [Merchant frontends (Python3)] simplify merchant frontend order creation (sebasjm)
  • 0008901: [wallet (Android App)] Create Buildbot test/deployment pipeline for the Android wallet (and other apps) [estimate: 8h] (avalos)
  • 0008770: [specification] add taler error code in merchant/exchange spec
  • 0007707: [wallet-core] wallet should not allow certain operations if offline
  • 0007426: [Web site(s)] "public-accounts" link points at bank's homepage
  • 0007960: [documentation] taler-merchant-demos doesn't document config options
  • 0007985: [libeufin (general)] Not possible to generate unindented XML strings.
  • 0007950: [specification] add subject search to the transfer list endpoint
  • 0007448: [wallet-core] wallet operation that receive amount in the request should specify if the amount include fee (sebasjm)
  • 0009373: [exchange] batch_ensure_coin_known not yet used (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0008428: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] sandcastle-ng should use nightly pacakges instead of compiling [estimate: 3h] (dvn)
  • 0009336: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] hard to copy from mobile to webpage when they are in the same network (sebasjm)
  • 0009080: [wallet (WebExtension)] Missing taxes information for order (sebasjm)
  • 0007855: [wallet-core] All transactions should have a separate "finished" timestamp, sorting should be possible by this finished timestamp (Florian Dold)
  • 0008379: [wallet (iOS App)] link payment and refund (~ 1 day) (MarcS)
  • 0009093: [wallet (WebExtension)] show spinning wheel in webextension wallet when waiting for background task (sebasjm)
  • 0009229: [wallet (Android App)] Allow to enter Taler-URI instead of scanning QR-code (avalos)
  • 0009177: [merchant backoffice SPA] guide the merchant trought the bank account activation (sebasjm)
  • 0009225: [wallet-core] consider adding wallet feature to upload diagnostics for last $N transaction to service provider after user consent (Florian Dold)
  • 0009224: [Web site(s)] add list of exchange operators to web site (Stefan)
  • 0008651: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)] Refund doesn't show in payment history (grote)
  • 0009089: [deployment and operations] remove netzbon relicts from (avalos)
  • 0008586: [Web site(s)] Weblate Spanish translation - Taler Systems - 0% (avalos)
  • 0008253: [documentation] Translation into Spanish of tutorial-videos.git (avalos)
  • 0009067: [wallet (WebExtension)] importing a function breaks the taler support (sebasjm)
  • 0009081: [wallet (Android App)] Missing taxes information for order (avalos)
  • 0009087: [deployment and operations] CI helper script broken in some projects (dvn)
  • 0009100: [wallet (WebExtension)] Styling in "GET DIGITAL CASH" flow is inconsistent (nullptrderef)
  • 0009050: [wallet-core] Implement checkDeposit with gros/net switch (Florian Dold)
  • 0006588: [wallet-core] wallet-core should support range queries for the transactions list (sebasjm)
  • 0008775: [wallet-core] consider allowing all non-final wallet-core states to be suspended/resumed (Florian Dold)
  • 0008748: [wallet-core] Transactions should always include an Exchange info [2h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0007558: [qtart] bundle TLS CA certs and re-enable TLS peer+host verification for libcurl HTTP client implementation (Florian Dold)
  • 0009028: [wallet-core] Fee computing should accept an optional bool 'amountIsNet' parameter (Florian Dold)
  • 0008280: [specification] update dd53 with the behavior after payment (MarcS)
  • 0008652: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)] same amounts can have different fees (grote)
  • 0008440: [Web site(s)] Add news section on the NGI Taler page to have links to news items related to the project (hga3)
  • 0008406: [wallet (iOS App)] Let the user copy the DB to the public folder (MarcS)
  • 0008642: [specification] design document for extend access token API (sebasjm)
  • 0008842: [wallet (WebExtension)] add support for safari (sebasjm)
  • 0008688: [wallet-core] wallet doesn't validate exchange signing keys, doesn't use them much [estimate: 5h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008006: [wallet (WebExtension)] Accessibility Taler demo website (sebasjm)
  • 0008687: [documentation] Taler Ops WWW uses Bitmaps (PNGs) where SVGs would be more applicable (nullptrderef)
  • 0009018: [documentation] document (new) NFC communication approach between apps (avalos)
  • 0007981: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] pressing enter should move to the next field (sebasjm)
  • 0007698: [qtart] qtart should support opening a unix domain socket for the daemonized wallet (Florian Dold)
  • 0008319: [libeufin-nexus] Unify Depo/Nexus schema and use a common wire gateway implementation (Antoine A)
  • 0008947: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] fix public accounts page (sebasjm)
  • 0007854: [qtart] strip absolute pathname from stacktraces (sebasjm)
  • 0008538: [wallet-core] consider removing exchange details pointer in the wallet-core DB (Florian Dold)
  • 0008767: [wallet (WebExtension)] observavility events: add a filter to show events trigger by actions called in the current screen. [6hs] (sebasjm)
  • 0009014: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] export activity log (sebasjm)
  • 0009026: [libeufin-bank] Support memory-hard password hashing method (Antoine A)
  • 0008488: [deployment and operations] investigate git hook to avoid submodule rewind (sebasjm)
  • 0008515: [qtart] upgrade to 2024-01-13 release of QuickJs [estimate: 16h] (avalos)
  • 0008954: [release] Non-systemd reliance (nullptrderef)
  • 0008963: [wallet (iOS App)] implement mock banking app for iOS to demonstrate wallet integration (MarcS)
  • 0008546: [specification] design new wallet onboarding screen (MarcS)
  • 0008633: [specification] specify metrics and health checks we want for Taler server-side components [estimate: 6h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008524: [qtart] resolve include path issues in QuickJS-rt.xcodeproj (MarcS)
  • 0008866: [wallet-core] consider garbage-collecting expired merchant payment transactions in state `dialog(proposed)` (Florian Dold)
  • 0008594: [wallet-core] do consistency checks when updating denominations (Florian Dold)
  • 0008519: [merchant backoffice SPA] add test bank account button (sebasjm)
  • 0008682: [wallet (WebExtension)] WebExtension on chrome spell-checks entered taler://-URIs (sebasjm)
  • 0008248: [wallet-core] get wallet-core codebase ready for code review [60+h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008690: [wallet-core] reinstate balance from denom-loss transactions when denomination becomes available again (Florian Dold)
  • 0008589: [wallet-core] do GANA pass over wallet-core [estimate: 12h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0007988: [wallet-core] clean up TypeScript declarations and parsers for protocol types (Florian Dold)
  • 0008982: [wallet-core] refactor DB transactions [5+d] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008980: [deployment and operations] is very outdated (dvn)
  • 0008437: [wallet-core] implement tests for transaction filtering [estimate: 3h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008258: [wallet-core] consider providing fluent interface for amount/date types, review date and amount type hierarchy [12h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0007916: [wallet-core] support STEFAN parameters [estimate: 20h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008112: [mechant backend] Merchant security review (fefe)
  • 0008384: [wallet (iOS App)] Localization (MarcS)
  • 0008383: [wallet (iOS App)] complete accessibility (MarcS)
  • 0008711: [libeufin-nexus] get nexus to work with EBICS dialect of Raiffeisen bank (Antoine A)
  • 0008543: [wallet (Android App)] Implement wallet-core integration tests as unit/UI tests. (avalos)
  • 0008942: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] check /config when doing a request to account-info-endpoint returns 400 [4hs] (sebasjm)
  • 0009020: [wallet (Android App)] Unify progress bar handling (avalos)
  • 0008923: [wallet (Android App)] allow retrying after scanning (peer-push-credit) QR code (avalos)
  • 0008922: [wallet (iOS App)] allow retrying after scanning (peer-push-credit) QR code (MarcS)
  • 0008859: [mechant backend] it should honor age restriction from template (oec)
  • 0009004: [documentation] document wallet-browser integration (sebasjm)
  • 0008769: [specification] document possible error codes in wallet-core API docs (Florian Dold)
  • 0009010: [libeufin-nexus] Payments status API (Antoine A)
  • 0008476: [documentation] regio: improve user manual with detailed steps after installation (Stefan)
  • 0008881: [wallet-core] add better/high-level wallet-core request to check B-i withdrawal status (Florian Dold)
  • 0008868: [wallet-core] consider throttling concurrency in shepherd and refresh groups [3h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0007593: [qtart] implement TALER_WALLET_destroy (avalos)
  • 0008943: [wallet-core] integration test for recoup-refresh is incomplete (Florian Dold)
  • 0008894: [wallet (iOS App)] Pull-to-Refresh (if no pending transactions exist) (MarcS)
  • 0006721: [libeufin-nexus] consider a way to synchronize the row_id with the TWG (Florian Dold)
  • 0007868: [wallet-core] recoup transaction not spec'ed in DD37 (Florian Dold)
  • 0008624: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] need account setup meta-SPA (sebasjm)
  • 0008710: [wallet-core] validate exchange coin history [estimate: 8h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008268: [wallet-core] consider surfacing more information about transaction-related retries to UIs (Florian Dold)
  • 0008134: [wallet-core] wallet-core should use typed HTTP client implementations [estimate: 20h] (Florian Dold)
  • 0006565: [wallet-core] wallet should try recoup when payment fails with certain error codes (Florian Dold)
  • 0007951: [merchant backoffice SPA] make merchant backend truly multi-currency capable (sebasjm)
  • 0007848: [wallet-core] wallet-core should return maximum expiration time for purse based on available coins (Florian Dold)
  • 0008576: [wallet-core] handle change of master public key (as well as currency, fees, ...) gracefully [estimate: 8d+] (Florian Dold)
  • 0008375: [taler-harness] implement test for exchange that changes its currency (Florian Dold)
  • 0008014: [wallet-core] optimize denomination selection by using denomination families (Florian Dold)
  • 0008441: [wallet-core] wallet-core should long-poll withdrawal operation *and* reserve at the same time (Florian Dold)
  • 0008378: [wallet (iOS App)] Payment: Detail view should show deadlines (MarcS)
  • 0008366: [wallet-core] add support for recurring payments (Florian Dold)
  • 0008337: [specification] Review/revise Section 4.4 of DD35 (Florian Dold)
  • 0008318: [wallet-core] Improve the security of P2P send (Florian Dold)
  • 0008310: [libeufin-nexus] does ebics-submit support DB notification? (Antoine A)
  • 0007998: [wallet-core] Accountless registration broken repurchase detection for GNS delegations (Florian Dold)
  • 0008029: [merchant backoffice SPA] when showing order details, SPA should update when order status changes (sebasjm)
  • 0008271: [merchant backoffice SPA] merchant backend SPA detail view page for an order does not long-poll (sebasjm)
  • 0008270: [wallet (WebExtension)] currency is not sticky (sebasjm)
  • 0008259: [wallet-core] move out SPA from wallet-core repo (sebasjm)
  • 0008232: [other] tooling to remove duplicated config options (oec)
  • 0008172: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] import payto URI should allow QR codes (sebasjm)
  • 0008073: [specification] Age restriction support in GNU Taler (oec)
  •        0007278: [exchange] Common handling of age restriction verification for withdraw and reward needed (oec)
  •        0008074: [wallet-core] Add support for age-withraw in wallet-core (oec)
  • 0008059: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] new wire transfers do not show in SPA until explicit 'reload' (sebasjm)
  • 0007881: [wallet (WebExtension)] make Wallet Web Extension compatible with Tor private browsing (sebasjm)
  • 0007997: [libeufin-bank] user should create admin account to setup libeufin bank (Antoine A)
  • 0007847: [wallet-core] DoS when all wallet try to refresh coins at the same time (Florian Dold)
  • 0007561: [qtart] make taler-wallet-cli runnable under qtart (Florian Dold)
  • 0007309: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] improve language switcher integration (sebasjm)
  • 0006696: [documentation] discuss better structure for LibEuFin docs (Antoine A)
  • 0007807: [documentation] document conventions/guidelines for source-level dependencies (i.e. prebuilt branches and submodules) (Florian Dold)
  • 0007434: [wallet (WebExtension)] icons in transaction history unclear (sebasjm)
  • 0005953: [libeufin (general)] generate code documentation with Dokka (dvn)
  • 0007518: [wallet (WebExtension)] search transaction (sebasjm)
  • 0007952: [merchant backoffice SPA] implement dd51 (sebasjm)
  • 0006977: [wallet-core] make wallet-core more resistant against node supply chain attacks (Florian Dold)
  • 0007806: [wallet (Android App)] Lots of 'complaints' when compiling wallet (avalos)
  • 0007699: [wallet-core] wallet should support different types of instructed amounts (before and after fees) (Florian Dold)
  • 0006248: [libeufin-nexus] test error handling during subscriber initialization (Antoine A)
  • 0007726: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] sandcastle should run services on unix domain sockets instead of ports (dvn)
  • 0006259: [libeufin-nexus] error log in database (Antoine A)
  • 0005936: [libeufin-sandbox] version / revision / other globals / should be available from context (Antoine A)
  • 0007983: [challenger] wallet-core must template generation is lacking (sebasjm)
  • 0007978: [wallet-core] store transaction events when changing transaction details (Florian Dold)
  • 0007886: [wallet-core] consider adding log categories instead of file-based log tags (Florian Dold)
  • 0007780: [taler-harness] taler-harness lint should check exchange ToS markdown syntax (Florian Dold)
  • 0007452: [wallet-core] extend GetExchangeTos wallet operation to be reuse for backup or auditor (sebasjm)
  • 0007321: [wallet-core] "pnpm install" complains about unmet peer dependencies (sebasjm)
  • 0007484: [wallet (WebExtension)] Usability problem with Bitcoin amounts (MarcS)
  • 0007485: [wallet (WebExtension)] check navigator.share and share_target for adoption (sebasjm)
  • 0006951: [documentation] document state machine for payment process (oec)
  • 0008680: [deployment and operations] CI projects not always picking up latest nightly packages (dvn)
1 of 218 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2026-04-25
  • 0007959: [other] taler-merchant-demos don't support full taler config
  • 0007858: [other] consider protocol extensions to shift around fees from customer to merchant
  • 0008836: [other] pretix integration does not work well with currency conversion
  • 0008648: [wallet (all platforms)] Preconfiguration of purposes
  • 0005686: [wallet (WebExtension)] Wallet feature request: silent payments.
  • 0008109: [exchange] feature request: reference counting is not atomic (fefe)
  • 0008110: [exchange] feature request: library functions should not abort the process (Florian Dold)
  • 0006439: [wallet-core] wallet should support Anastasis (avalos)
  • 0007316: [wallet-core] Get the 'taler' URI scheme into the HTML spec safe-list
  • 0004629: [other] certificates for merchant public keys aren't supported
  • 0003946: [wallet-core] storing merchant's key (and more?) in wallet's DB
  • 0006954: [merchant backoffice SPA] create sample deployment to test external authentication
  • 0007297: [wallet-core] add extension enabled into exchange info/database
  • 0007582: [wallet-core] implement user-initiated p2p kyc / KYCed reserve management
  • 0006914: [wallet-core] "annual fee for sync service" gets paid by another wallet, original wallet does not update provider status
  • 0007433: [wallet-core] wallet does not support invoicing with non-zero purse fees
  • 0007677: [wallet-core] consider having a recovery mode for the wallet
  • 0007862: [specification] exchange should return some hint about the kyc requirements
  • 0007365: [specification] KYC fee is never charged / not speced or implemented
  • 0008098: [wallet-core] After b-i-withdrawals, the Exchange should tell wallet-core that a bank supports Taler integration
  • 0008333: [libeufin-bank] do not use login name in x-taler-bank (Antoine A)
  • 0005830: [mechant backend] implement request tunneling for wallets
  • 0007920: [wallet-core] Support for multiple accounts (private KYC, business KYB)
  • 0008282: [deployment and operations] different fee structures for demo/test/head
  • 0008540: [deployment and operations] automated browser-based testing of the regional currency deployment
  • 0008631: [deployment and operations] Fees charged to payer
  • 0008784: [deployment and operations] Write documentation - Anastasis backup program
  • 0004379: [wallet-core] error handling: exportable proof of e.g. double spending for auditor
  • 0007815: [exchange] exchange should have API to give refunds for purses in peer-pull payments
  • 0007917: [exchange] change applicablility of refresh fees
  • 0007174: [other] document conventions for HTTP Content-Type, consider allowing (or requiring?) document type versioning
  • 0003476: [wallet-core] evil exchange testsuite
  • 0005912: [e-commerce integrations] update django-payments/saleor plugin
  • 0007884: [exchange] exchange should have tooling to check consistency between DB and crypto helpers
  • 0007942: [libeufin-nexus] Design multiple bank accounts handling.
  • 0006564: [wallet-core] wallet-core API and UX design for auditor management needed
  • 0007271: [exchange] exchange-to-exchange wad transfers are not implemented
  • 0007467: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)] have more than one exchange in demo
  • 0008114: [exchange] review GC logic of exchange
  • 0005129: [other] suggest to the appropriate standard(s) to add certificate information to XMLHttpRequest
  • 0007671: [exchange] replace positional parameter for named parameters in taler-exchange-offline
  • 0008909: [mechant backend] merchant templates v2 should provide info about merchant and supported exchanges before instantiating order
  • 0008931: [mechant backend] support listing/querying the wire transfer status from the exchange for orders
  • 0008933: [mechant backend] consider reporting errors from the exchange in wire transfer checks
  • 0006941: [specification] design protocol / business procedure for validating the owner of an order via the nonce (oec)
  • 0006843: [merchant backoffice SPA] every input type can be forgetable, handle UI to add checkbox (sebasjm)
  • 0007697: [wallet-core] wallet is not GCing denominations (Florian Dold)
  • 0006562: [wallet-core] should wallet-core handle major system clock changes gracefully? (Florian Dold)
  • 0006556: [wallet-core] have integration tests that mutate signatures to check that implementation checks all relevant signatures (Florian Dold)
  • 0008075: [specification] Extensions for GNU Taler (oec)
  •        0007270: [exchange] extension support is not implemented everywhere consistently (oec)
  •        0008001: [exchange] TEH_extension_post_handler: ensure idempotency (oec)
  • 0008077: [specification] Deposit Policy Extensions (oec)
  •        0007999: [exchange] Refine policy fulfillment handling (oec)
  • 0008076: [specification] Brandt-Vickrey Auctions (oec)
0 of 55 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2023-01-01
1 of 1 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2022-03-31
  • 0005778: [General] Double hyphen should be non-breaking
  • 0005637: [General] extend FAQ
  • 0005790: [General] Create /comparison page
  • 0005789: [General] website simple introduction (and more)
  • 0005835: [General] Modify install guide on
  • 0005533: [General] new website: create detail pages for software parts
  • 0005526: [General] new website: pass accessibility tests
  • 0005932: [General] improve copyright assignment page (nikita)
  • 0005525: [General] new website: Firefox Reader Mode does not display all of our pages in full
  • 0005799: [General] integrate an (URL) link checker (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0005791: [General] Create /software page for details on projects (schanzen)
  • 0005800: [General] spellcheck (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0005917: [General] write subpages for projects and structure them (gns, gnurl, fs, etc) (schanzen)
3 of 13 issue(s) resolved View Issues
Scheduled For Release 2020-02-18
  • 0005833: [tracking-issues] CADET tracking issue
  • 0005836: [groupchat] Add alarm if nick was mentioned
  • 0005834: [groupchat] Message state indicator
  • 0005837: [groupchat] [RFC] Ring-based groupchat (serverless) (xrs)
  •        0005843: [groupchat] Create distributed state protocol
  •        0005842: [groupchat] Create method for sending a message
  •        0005841: [groupchat] Add method for creating a group
0 of 7 issue(s) resolved View Issues