View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008711Talerlibeufin-nexuspublic2025-03-18 18:04
ReporterAntoine A Assigned ToAntoine A  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Versionpost-1.0 
Summary0008711: get nexus to work with EBICS dialect of Raiffeisen bank
DescriptionWe have access but we have weird errors with EBICS 3. More detailed info will follow
TagsNo tags attached.


Antoine A

2025-03-18 18:04

developer   ~0024228

Fetching works for some orders, we get EBICS_AUTHORISATION_ORDER_IDENTIFIER_FAILED for other and submit get EBICS_INVALID_XML.
I tried to implement compatibility with old files version but will continue work once we upgrade our contract to the newest spec

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-08 15:55 Antoine A New Issue
2024-04-08 15:55 Antoine A Status new => assigned
2024-04-08 15:55 Antoine A Assigned To => Antoine A
2024-04-09 23:00 Christian Grothoff Severity minor => feature
2024-05-06 10:07 Antoine A Target Version 0.11 => 0.14
2024-07-25 23:56 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.14 => post-1.0
2025-03-18 18:04 Antoine A Note Added: 0024228