View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0007339 | Taler | wallet (WebExtension) | public | 2022-09-08 20:29 | 2025-02-23 15:30 |
Reporter | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | Florian Dold | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | feedback | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | i7 | OS | Debian GNU/Linux | OS Version | squeeze |
Product Version | git (master) | ||||
Target Version | post-1.0 | ||||
Summary | 0007339: withdrawal triggered on insufficient balance does not work in demo (due to fees) | ||||
Description | During UX study, user tried to pay with insufficient balance, was offered to withdraw more KUDOS. However, the subsequent dialogs do not work. Expected experience would have been to nicely (!) show which bank transfer needs to be done (similar to 'manual withdraw'), and then for the user to be able to do the respective bank transfer in the libeufin sandbox SPA (where it is not implemented). However, also the wallet's part does not work nicely, in that the instructions as to how to wire funds are not shown nicely. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
this will be fixed with |
This now lead you to the current manual withdraw procedure but the withdrawing amount is not enough to buy the article if the exchange has fees configured. We need another method in wallet-core to be able to specify the after-fee-amount |
Since 0007699 is post-1.0, we are also deferring this issue. What's missing are the conversions between different (instructed) amounts with and without fees. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2022-09-08 20:29 | Christian Grothoff | New Issue | |
2022-09-08 20:29 | Christian Grothoff | Status | new => assigned |
2022-09-08 20:29 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | => Florian Dold |
2022-09-08 20:31 | Christian Grothoff | Relationship added | related to 0007340 |
2022-09-11 04:51 | sebasjm | Note Added: 0019119 | |
2022-09-11 04:51 | sebasjm | Relationship added | related to 0007357 |
2022-11-01 14:44 | Florian Dold | Assigned To | Florian Dold => sebasjm |
2022-11-01 16:15 | sebasjm | Assigned To | sebasjm => Florian Dold |
2022-11-01 16:15 | sebasjm | Status | assigned => feedback |
2022-11-01 16:15 | sebasjm | Note Added: 0019332 | |
2023-04-04 19:40 | Florian Dold | Target Version | => 0.10 |
2023-04-13 20:37 | Florian Dold | Category | wallet (WebExtensions) => wallet (WebExtension) |
2024-01-29 13:00 | Florian Dold | Summary | withdrawal triggered on insufficient balance does not work in demo => withdrawal triggered on insufficient balance does not work in demo (due to fees) |
2024-01-29 13:01 | Florian Dold | Note Added: 0021072 | |
2024-01-29 13:01 | Florian Dold | Target Version | 0.10 => post-1.0 |
2025-02-23 15:30 | Florian Dold | Note Edited: 0021072 |