View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009263GNUnettransport servicepublic2025-02-17 14:26
Reporterthejackimonster Assigned Tothejackimonster  
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Product VersionGit master 
Target Version0.25.0 
Summary0009263: Transport is ignoring disabled IPv6
DescriptionIf you manually disable IPv6 via configuration, the transport service still forwards IPv6 addresses to the communicators which then can't handle them, causing the queue creation to fail. However transport never really recognizes that it's a ridiculous request that can not work because it only looks at the prefix of addresses which currently specifies underlying protocols like "udp" or "tcp" - not whether IPv4 or IPv6 is supported.
Additional InformationI think we need some kind of error signal for that to reduce unnecessary requests. A different solution would be using a different prefix for IPv6 addresses. So the communicator wouldn't register to all "udp" or "tcp" addresses but only supported IPv4 or IPv6 specifically. Technically both optimizations would also work together. But I think the second option is the cleaner solution to drop IPv6 address requests if not supported more easily. I just don't know how much overhead it brings to change prefixes from "udp-" to "udp4-" and "udp6-".
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009029 closedschanzen problem "network ist unreachable" with 0.21.1 and 0.21.2 
related to 0009314 closedschanzen Cannot connect to peers, gnunet-communicator-tcp-26872 WARNING connect to failed: Invalid argument 



2024-11-03 17:29

developer   ~0023641

After some discussion a proper step into solving this is separating IPv4 from IPv6 as different communicators. So one of them could be fully disabled properly. For this the code of TCP and UDP communicators could use macros to build for IPv4 and IPv6 separate own binaries from the same source code.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-10 14:25 thejackimonster New Issue
2024-10-11 11:12 schanzen Target Version 1.0.0 => 0.23.0
2024-10-23 21:48 schanzen Relationship added related to 0009029
2024-11-03 17:29 thejackimonster Note Added: 0023641
2024-11-04 10:58 schanzen Relationship added related to 0009314
2024-11-08 07:43 schanzen Assigned To => thejackimonster
2024-11-08 07:43 schanzen Status new => confirmed
2024-11-14 09:46 schanzen Target Version 0.23.0 => 0.24.0
2025-02-17 14:26 schanzen Target Version 0.24.0 => 0.25.0