View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0009639 | Taler | exchange | public | 2025-03-19 16:53 | 2025-03-25 12:36 |
Reporter | Florian Dold | Assigned To | Christian Grothoff | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | have not tried |
Status | assigned | Resolution | open | ||
Target Version | 1.0 stretch goals | ||||
Summary | 0009639: spec and implement transaction risk monitoring | ||||
Description | What we likely need for this is: * batch jobs that compute risk metrics (possibly caching metrics from previous run for perf) and stores HIGH_RISK_TRANSACTION property + to_investigate flag for account * How/where is this implemented? In the exchange via C code or via external script that connects to the DB and runs SQL? * Maybe SQL queries are enough? Do we need any logic other than that? Anything else? | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
9d280c23b..91a67046e contains a first implementation, including a TOPS-customization for the TOPS AML-investigation trigger. The code is completely *untested* (to the point of possibly crashing once Postgres tries to run it), but should give a good idea of the design. Todo: - proper spec/design document - test it :-) Note that it also soft-depends on Oec's branch being merged first, as that'll make it easy to get the deposited amounts properly. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2025-03-19 16:53 | Florian Dold | New Issue | |
2025-03-19 16:53 | Florian Dold | Status | new => assigned |
2025-03-19 16:53 | Florian Dold | Assigned To | => Christian Grothoff |
2025-03-19 16:56 | Florian Dold | Description Updated | |
2025-03-19 16:57 | Florian Dold | Description Updated | |
2025-03-25 12:35 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0024303 | |
2025-03-25 12:36 | Christian Grothoff | Relationship added | parent of 0009371 |