View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006954Talermerchant backoffice SPApublic2024-08-12 09:53
ReporterFlorian Dold Assigned To 
PrioritynoneSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Target Versionpost-2.0 
Summary0006954: create sample deployment to test external authentication
DescriptionWe currently have only tested the SPA with merchant-internal token authentication.

We should create a very simple test deployment (with fixed auth information in, say, nginx) to make sure that the SPA handles external auth properly (both conceptually and in the implementation).
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-07-23 14:20 Florian Dold New Issue
2021-07-23 14:20 Florian Dold Status new => assigned
2021-07-23 14:20 Florian Dold Assigned To => sebasjm
2021-08-01 12:20 Christian Grothoff Severity minor => feature
2022-07-17 16:43 Christian Grothoff Priority normal => none
2022-08-02 17:02 sebasjm Assigned To sebasjm =>
2022-08-02 17:44 Christian Grothoff Status assigned => acknowledged
2023-04-05 18:37 Florian Dold Target Version => post-1.0
2024-08-12 09:53 Christian Grothoff Target Version post-1.0 => post-2.0