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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009647Talermerchant backendpublic2025-03-23 19:42
Reporterschanzen Assigned Toschanzen  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version1.1 
Summary0009647: Scope in tokens / authorizations needs rework
DescriptionThe code calls scopes and that DD49 and the API call scopes are two different things, apparently

For example, through the API you can request "readonly" and "readwrite". But "readwrite" does not exist in the authorization scope enum. It instead maps to the ALL enum. And it is unclear to me if that all includes the REFRESHABLE enum. which is not requestable at all through the API

From mattermost:

READONLY == GET-only in the enum.

RW indeed is currently 'ALL'.

But overall, as I said, the scopes need a (re)design.

I'm fine with keeping 'READ-ONLY = GET-ONLY' and we obviously need 'everything' (= password login, also SPA) including refreshable.

Then we need smaller ones: (1) order-creation-and-payment-status-check-only (ORDER-SIMPLE?), (2) order-creation-and-inventory-locking (ORDER-POS, includes ORDER-SIMPLE), (3) order-creation-and-refund (ORDER-MGMT, includes ORDER-SIMPLE), (4) ORDER-FULL (ORDER-POS + ORDER-MGMT)

The existing ALL includes refreshable.

But it might make sense to separate RERESHABLE, so we have ALL:REFRESHABLE, ORDER-SIMPLE:REFRESHABLE, etc.


WooCommerce might get something like ORDER-MGMT (non-refreshable, but no expiration), the PoS-App would get tokens of type ORDER-POS (with or without refreshable, user can set a checkbox and/or specify validity period upon creation).

A staff member responsible for refunds might get ORDER-FULL or ORDER-MGMT, etc.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009556 assignedschanzen address merchant auth token weirdness 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-22 13:46 schanzen New Issue
2025-03-22 13:46 schanzen Status new => assigned
2025-03-22 13:46 schanzen Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2025-03-22 13:56 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff => schanzen
2025-03-22 13:56 Christian Grothoff Severity minor => feature
2025-03-22 14:09 Christian Grothoff Category mechant backend => merchant backend
2025-03-22 15:42 schanzen Summary Scope in tokens / authoriyations needs rework => Scope in tokens / authorizations needs rework
2025-03-23 19:42 schanzen Relationship added related to 0009556