View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007999Talerexchangepublic2024-08-12 10:12
Reporteroec Assigned Tooec  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Versiongit (master) 
Target Versionpost 2.0 
Summary0007999: Refine policy fulfillment handling
DescriptionSo far, there is exists a minimal design for policy extensions during deposit, see The design defines the following states:

- for deposits.policy_blocked: {true,false}
- for policy_details.fulfillment_state: {init, insufficient, ready, success, imeout, failure}

We a need more detailed graph of transitions of states of the tuple (deposits, policy_details). In particular, we need a way to unblock deposits once its related policies are fulfilled succesfully and trigger the wire transfer.

This might involve designing additional C-API for the policy-extensions to accomodate for state-transitions between the exchange-side state-machine and the policy-specific, interal state.
Tagsdesign, policy-extensions


child of 0008077 assignedoec Deposit Policy Extensions 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-12-06 11:35 oec New Issue
2023-12-06 11:35 oec Status new => assigned
2023-12-06 11:35 oec Assigned To => oec
2023-12-06 11:35 oec Tag Attached: design
2023-12-06 11:35 oec Tag Attached: policy-extensions
2023-12-06 11:54 oec Description Updated
2023-12-22 14:21 Christian Grothoff Target Version 1.0 => post-1.0
2024-01-12 14:21 oec Relationship added child of 0008077
2024-08-12 10:12 Christian Grothoff Target Version post-1.0 => post 2.0