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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009406Talerdocumentationpublic2024-12-30 00:04
Reporteroec Assigned Tooec  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Versiongit (master) 
Target Version1.0 stretch goals 
Summary0009406: documentation for various hash codes are lacking details
DescriptionIn the "Cryptographic primitives" section
we find the type declarations of various hashes used in the Taler code base, f.e.

struct TALER_BlindedCoinHash {
  struct GNUNET_HashCode hash;

struct TALER_CoinPubHash {
  struct GNUNET_HashCode hash;

struct TALER_OutputCommitmentHash {
  struct GNUNET_HashCode hash;
These and others lack information _how_ to compute those hashes, which i quite relevant for their validity.
F.e. according to the implementation, the value for `TALER_BlindedCoinHash` is constructed involving the hash of the denomination's public key and the a computed blinded hash value of the coin's planchet.

We should be explicit about what data is required and how exactly that data is used to compute all those hash values in the documentation.
Additional InformationThe header file `include/taler_crypto_lib.h` is not helpful, neither, f.e.

 * Hash used to represent a commitment to a blinded
 * coin, i.e. the hash of the envelope.
struct TALER_BlindedCoinHashP
   * Actual hash value.
  struct GNUNET_HashCode hash;
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009407 confirmed definition for various hash codes are lacking details 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-19 14:31 oec New Issue
2024-12-19 14:31 oec Status new => assigned
2024-12-19 14:31 oec Assigned To => Stefan
2024-12-19 14:35 oec Issue cloned: 0009407
2024-12-19 14:36 oec Relationship added related to 0009407
2024-12-19 14:36 oec Assigned To Stefan => oec
2024-12-30 00:04 Christian Grothoff Target Version 1.0 => 1.0 stretch goals