View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009540Talerexchange AML backoffice (SPA)public2025-02-14 13:18
ReporterChristian Grothoff Assigned Tosebasjm  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Platformi7OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Versionsqueeze
Product Version1.0 
Target Version1.0 stretch goals 
Summary0009540: AML SPA throttled?
DescriptionAfter clicking around just a bit, I got "A lot of request were made to the same server and this action was throttled
request to origin was throttled". I checked the dev console, and it's not the server that rate-limits here.

I understand our current dashboard is request-heavy, but I don't think the SPA should throttle itself and throw errors at the user.
Please disable the client-side throttling.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-14 13:18 Christian Grothoff New Issue
2025-02-14 13:18 Christian Grothoff Status new => assigned
2025-02-14 13:18 Christian Grothoff Assigned To => sebasjm