View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003309GNUnetcore servicepublic2025-02-17 14:26
ReporterBart Polot Assigned Toch3  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product VersionGit master 
Target Version0.25.0 
Summary0003309: Core needs to indicate a peer's willingness to accept traffic for other peers.
DescriptionCore should have 3 tiers of peers:
- Backbone peers: computers with good connectivity and no power limitations that are willing to route traffic for other peers.
- Limited peers: computers with either connnectivity limitations (NAT, Dial-up, Slow wireless, etc.) or power limitations (battery operated). Are willing to route traffic for other only if there is no backbone peer available to do so (due to wireless range, for instance).
- Restriced peers: computers/devices that are not willing to route traffic for others under any circumstance (for instance, smartphone using GSM while on roaming in a different country).
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0008596 assignedch3 CONG meta issue 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-02-07 14:59 Bart Polot New Issue
2014-02-07 14:59 Bart Polot Status new => assigned
2014-02-07 14:59 Bart Polot Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2014-02-08 13:24 Christian Grothoff Product Version => Git master
2014-02-08 13:24 Christian Grothoff Target Version => 0.10.1
2014-02-09 19:49 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.10.1 =>
2014-04-11 15:16 Christian Grothoff Target Version => 0.11.0
2015-01-18 18:27 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff =>
2015-01-18 18:27 Christian Grothoff Status assigned => confirmed
2018-06-07 00:33 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.11.0 =>
2019-02-14 10:46 Christian Grothoff Target Version => 0.12.0
2019-11-16 18:41 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.12.0 => 0.13.0
2020-04-22 17:22 schanzen Target Version 0.13.0 => 0.14.0
2020-10-28 13:06 schanzen Target Version 0.14.0 => 0.15.0
2021-06-10 19:36 schanzen Target Version 0.15.0 => 0.16.0
2021-12-31 09:29 schanzen Target Version 0.16.0 => 0.17.0
2021-12-31 09:32 schanzen Target Version 0.17.0 => 1.0.0
2024-03-07 21:25 schanzen Relationship added child of 0008596
2024-03-15 13:49 schanzen Assigned To => ch3
2024-03-15 13:49 schanzen Status confirmed => assigned
2024-03-15 13:49 schanzen Target Version 1.0.0 => 0.22.0
2024-08-26 14:54 schanzen Target Version 0.22.0 => 0.23.0
2024-11-14 09:46 schanzen Target Version 0.23.0 => 0.24.0
2025-02-17 14:26 schanzen Target Version 0.24.0 => 0.25.0