Released 2023-02-21
RESTful account management interfaces in libeufin-sandbox.
  • 0005941: [libeufin-sandbox] spec and implement bank account and transaction API (MS)
  • 0006421: [libeufin-sandbox] CLI should fail when the called logic does. (MS)
  • 0006705: [libeufin-sandbox] creditor account doesn't get credited when making a payment (MS)
  • 0006988: [libeufin-nexus] transaction fetching with "--level=all" does not download statements if downloading reports fails due to no new data (Florian Dold)
  • 0007163: [libeufin-cli] 'libeufin-cli sandbox ebicsbankaccount create' discards person_name (MS)
  • 0007375: [libeufin-sandbox] "sandbox serve" shows confusing error message when host does not support IPv6 (MS)
  • 0007501: [other] Bank technical error codes are not completely/correctly used. (MS)
  • 0007508: [libeufin-sandbox] EBICS host creation should restrict to 'admin'. (MS)
  • 0007521: [libeufin-sandbox] Make account owner name configurable. (MS)
  • 0007601: [libeufin-cli] Errors print twice. (MS)
  • 0007666: [libeufin-sandbox] /cashout should be accessible for the owner of the account (MS)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2023-01-26
Fix major bugs
1 issue View Issues
Released 2022-11-05
  • 0005880: [General] look at ebics-java-client (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005881: [General] study the EBICS specification and come up with an implementation plan (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005883: [General] figure out if AqBanking can actually do EBICS (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005884: [General] look at kotlin/Java HTTP server libraries to implement the sandbox and cross-bank API (Florian Dold)
  • 0005888: [General] create project skeleton for libeufin and sandbox (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005900: [libeufin-sandbox] Less verbosity needed. (Florian Dold)
  • 0005913: [libeufin-cli] implement command line tool in Python to access sandbox APIs (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005914: [libeufin-sandbox] configure logging (Florian Dold)
  • 0005915: [libeufin-sandbox] identifiers should include strings (Florian Dold)
  • 0005918: [libeufin-nexus] create nexus project skeleton (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005919: [libeufin-sandbox] sandbox should respond to INI and HIA messages (Florian Dold)
  • 0005923: [libeufin-sandbox] add unit tests for schema validation (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005928: [libeufin-sandbox] new warning appeared after upgrading Java to 11. To be fixed. (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005934: [libeufin-sandbox] Return _EBICS_ specific error responses (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005935: [libeufin-sandbox] eliminate conversion to string before responding (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005943: [libeufin-nexus] implement client-side EBICS key management (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005970: [other] Move shared things between sandbox and nexus to "libeufin-util" module. (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005971: [libeufin-nexus] subscriber and key import and export should be implemented (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005990: [EBICS library] signature verification fails (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006041: [libeufin-sandbox] SQLite gives errors that in-memory database does not. (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006074: [libeufin-nexus] handle un-zipping the C5X container (in memory?) (Florian Dold)
  • 0005882: [General] implement sandbox for EBICS + ISO20022 subset (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005885: [General] implement API to add new bank accounts managed by libeufin (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005901: [libeufin-sandbox] design database schema and implement DB bindings (Florian Dold)
  • 0005924: [libeufin-sandbox] implement helper functions to do XML Signing/Encryption for EBICS (Florian Dold)
  • 0005942: [libeufin-nexus] design API for transaction history and transaction triggering (Florian Dold)
  • 0005960: [libeufin-sandbox] All exceptions lead to "500 Internal server error" (Florian Dold)
  • 0005974: [other] document transaction history format (nexus-native) (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0005975: [libeufin-nexus] implement nexus-native account and transaction database scheme (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006064: [other] Use the JSON serialization library Jackson (Florian Dold)
  • 0006071: [libeufin-nexus] decrypt with the key that the bank encrypted the response with, instead of always using the enc key (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006072: [libeufin-nexus] have more generic abstractions for EBICS transactions (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006075: [libeufin-nexus] implement the GNU Taler wire gateway API (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006076: [libeufin-nexus] offer the full "local transaction history" API for nexus (Florian Dold)
  • 0006079: [other] generate pain.001 (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006081: [other] automated integration test for nexus using sandbox (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006088: [libeufin-sandbox] generate c52/c53 responses correctly in the sandbox (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006089: [libeufin-nexus] populate nexus "bank accounts" of a subscriber with HTD/HKD request (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006125: [libeufin-nexus] PAIN.001 must include the complete and valid IBAN (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006245: [other] get rid of joda time references (MS)
  • 0006246: [libeufin-nexus] test bank connection export/import in integration test (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006247: [libeufin-nexus] implement /connect for EBICS bank connections (Florian Dold)
  • 0006251: [libeufin-nexus] turn prepared payment UUID into a serial number (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006252: [libeufin-nexus] re-enable and test key letter generation (Florian Dold)
  • 0006254: [libeufin-nexus] port taler-wire-gateway API implementation to a facade (MS)
  • 0006256: [other] automated scheduling of operations (Florian Dold)
  • 0006261: [libeufin-nexus] store downloaded EBICS messages (Florian Dold)
  • 0006263: [libeufin-nexus] allow specifying database file names through command line opts, use it for test cases (MS)
  • 0006266: [libeufin-nexus] Abstraction needed on the type of facade config, in the database. (MS)
  • 0006367: [libeufin-nexus] improve the way payments aren't submitted more than once (Florian Dold)
  • 0006370: [other] date range and defaulting to "no date range" is not very intuitive (Florian Dold)
  • 0006384: [other] rename "prepared payments" to "payment initiations" to keep close to ISO 20022 (MS)
  • 0006385: [libeufin-nexus] /connect should first try HPB (Florian Dold)
  • 0006386: [libeufin-sandbox] One EBICS subscriber with multiple bank accounts (MS)
  • 0006388: [libeufin-nexus] createPain001document should not take a database entity as argument (Florian Dold)
  • 0006389: [libeufin-nexus] TWG ingestion should not be triggered separately, but automatically follow account transaction ingestion (Florian Dold)
  • 0006393: [libeufin-nexus] include more information in pain.001 IDs (Florian Dold)
  • 0006394: [libeufin-sandbox] figure out how banks in Germany de-duplicate payment initiations and use the same logic in the sandbox (MS)
  • 0006405: [libeufin-nexus] Define convenient data structure to store raw bank accounts information (MS)
  • 0006406: [libeufin-nexus] Check facade type upon facade creation (MS)
  • 0006407: [other] Move logs to appropriate location (MS)
  • 0006409: [other] Try to validate documents against their schema before communication. (MS)
  • 0006377: [libeufin-nexus] move http client instantiation outside of the main task loop (Florian Dold)
  • 0006362: [libeufin-nexus] Prefer intermediate tables to ingest raw transactions (MS)
  • 0006378: [libeufin-nexus] implement "two step" bank account import (MS)
  • 0006417: [libeufin-nexus] nexus should support bank connection deletion (MS)
  • 0006420: [libeufin-nexus] Return always JSON in responses, and make HTTP response code match the EBICS error. (MS)
  • 0006423: [libeufin-nexus] Need a endpoint returning the list of prepared payments. (MS)
  • 0006428: [libeufin-sandbox] Parse pain.001 the way nexus does with camt. (MS)
  • 0006415: [libeufin-nexus] split transaction list into physical transactions (entries) and logical transactions (Florian Dold)
  • 0006626: [libeufin-cli] provide "make install" (MS)
  • 0006249: [libeufin-nexus] implement transaction de-duplication also for bank accounts, not just for the taler wire gateway API (Marcello Stanisci)
  • 0006257: [libeufin-nexus] update CLI to new nexus API (MS)
  • 0006262: [libeufin-nexus] move camt parsing to helper function(s), handle multiple txns, have unit tests (Florian Dold)
  • 0006265: [libeufin-sandbox] write script to fill sandbox with sample transactions (MS)
  • 0006371: [other] allow postgres (and other DB) connections instead of just sqlite (MS)
  • 0006374: [libeufin-nexus] taler facade must allow text besides the reserve public key (MS)
  • 0006390: [libeufin-nexus] status and confirmation of payment initiations should be done on the raw transaction level, not the TWG facade (MS)
  • 0006395: [libeufin-nexus] implement bank protocol-specific logic in a less ad-hoc way via interfaces and a registry (MS)
  • 0006597: [libeufin-nexus] Implement "/taler-wire-gateway/config" (MS)
  • 0006641: [other] integration tests should be run with pytest (MS)
  • 0006643: [other] Parsing tests should be hosted on a dedicate repository. (MS)
  • 0006646: [libeufin-nexus] Multiple bank connections with the same name for ONE user should not be allowed. (MS)
  • 0006657: [libeufin-nexus] parsing of textual fields omits certain characters (MS)
  • 0006687: [libeufin-nexus] fetch-accounts crashes with constraint violation on repeated use (MS)
  • 0006688: [libeufin-nexus] remove intervalIncremental parameter of TWG facade (Florian Dold)
  • 0006689: [other] install and dist should include sandbox (MS)
  • 0006694: [other] libeufin-{nexus,sandbox,cli} should have version arg (MS)
  • 0006697: [other] create debian package for LibEuFin based on fat jar zip (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0006701: [other] Invalid POSTed JSONs lead to 500 Internal server error. (MS)
  • 0006703: [other] taler-wire-gateway facade doesn't do any authentication (Florian Dold)
  • 0006710: [libeufin-nexus] test case that compares output of "libeufin-nexus parse-camt" is missing (MS)
  • 0006711: [other] compilation warnings (Florian Dold)
  • 0006712: [libeufin-nexus] nexus should report success/error status on "/connect" attempt (MS)
  • 0006717: [libeufin-nexus] it should be possible to change the password of non-superusers (MS)
  • 0006718: [libeufin-nexus] make sure all "obvious" CRUD operation exist and have tests (MS)
  • 0006719: [other] create systemd units for nexus (and maybe sandbox) (MS)
  • 0006720: [other] nexus and sandbox should support getting the DB connection string from an environment variable (MS)
  • 0006730: [other] create integration test for instructions from nexus/sandbox guide (MS)
  • 0006736: [libeufin-cli] Failing exit code needed, after unexpected response statuses. (MS)
  • 0006742: [libeufin-nexus] (too early) scheduler routine causes exceptions due to missing table (MS)
  • 0006770: [libeufin-nexus] Using same name for two facades is allowed. (MS)
  • 0007027: [libeufin-sandbox] Define API to allow the implementation of a SPA (MS)
  • 0007235: [libeufin-sandbox] libeufin sandbox binds by default to 0/all IPs (MS)
  • 0007247: [libeufin-sandbox] cosmetic sandbox issues in CHF deployment... (MS)
  • 0007286: [libeufin-sandbox] "make check" fails with two errors (MS)
  • 0007293: [libeufin-nexus] service not ready, even though responding to HTTP requests (MS)
  • 0007295: [libeufin-nexus] Unexpected EBICS return code: EBICS_PROCESSING_ERROR (MS)
  • 0007307: [libeufin-sandbox] bank integration API doesn't report error when a withdrawal operation is POSTed to twice with a different reserve public key (MS)
  • 0007310: [demo frontend] language switcher background is partially blue, instead of red like the rest (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0007312: [demo frontend] entry not pre-selected (sebasjm)
  • 0007412: [demo frontend] balance and transaction history changes not immediately updated after operation (sebasjm)
  • 0007341: [demo frontend] balance not sufficiently visible (Christian Grothoff)
  • 0007410: [libeufin-sandbox] withdraw fails 90% of the time on solving captcha (MS)
  • 0007416: [demo frontend] cancel button on captcha does not work in SPA (MS)
  • 0007437: [demo frontend] wire to bank account very confusing (sebasjm)
  • 0007457: [demo frontend] balance will increment after withdrawing an empty account (MS)
117 issues View Issues