Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008061
2024-01-26 01:15
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008061
2024-01-26 01:11
Christian Grothoff attached file bad-english.png to issue 0008061
2024-01-26 01:10
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008061
2024-01-26 01:10
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008061
2024-01-26 01:08
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008061
2024-01-26 00:19
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008061
2024-01-25 23:56
2024-01-25 23:54
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008271
2024-01-25 23:54
2024-01-25 23:51
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008270
2024-01-25 23:51
2024-01-25 23:43
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008269
2024-01-25 23:43
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0006757
2024-01-25 22:30
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008268
2024-01-25 20:09
Florian Dold created issue 0008268
2024-01-25 20:09
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008267
2024-01-25 12:22
Florian Dold created issue 0008267
2024-01-25 12:22
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-24 19:00
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008209
2024-01-24 19:00
Florian Dold commented on issue 0007551
2024-01-24 17:42
2024-01-24 17:05
Florian Dold created issue 0008261
2024-01-24 17:05
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008259
2024-01-24 16:29
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008258
2024-01-24 15:29
Florian Dold created issue 0008258
2024-01-24 15:29
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008257
2024-01-24 15:16
Florian Dold created issue 0008257
2024-01-24 15:16
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008242
2024-01-24 14:39
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008242
2024-01-24 14:39
javier.sepulveda picked up issue 0008253
2024-01-24 14:33
javier.sepulveda created issue 0008253
2024-01-24 14:33
2024-01-24 14:26
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008252
2024-01-24 14:26
2024-01-24 14:21
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008251
2024-01-24 14:21
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008245
2024-01-24 14:19
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008250
2024-01-24 14:08
Florian Dold created issue 0008250
2024-01-24 14:08
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008249
2024-01-24 14:05
Florian Dold created issue 0008249
2024-01-24 14:05
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008248
2024-01-24 14:04
Florian Dold created issue 0008248
2024-01-24 14:04
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008247
2024-01-24 14:03
Florian Dold created issue 0008247
2024-01-24 14:03
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008246
2024-01-24 14:03
Florian Dold created issue 0008246
2024-01-24 14:03
2024-01-24 14:03
Florian Dold created issue 0008245
2024-01-24 14:03
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008244
2024-01-24 14:01
Florian Dold created issue 0008244
2024-01-24 14:01
2024-01-24 13:49
2024-01-24 13:12
2024-01-24 11:51
javier.sepulveda commented on issue 0008182
2024-01-24 11:36
javier.sepulveda resolved issue 0008182
2024-01-24 11:36
javier.sepulveda resolved issue 0008223
2024-01-24 11:34
javier.sepulveda commented on issue 0008223
2024-01-24 11:34
2024-01-24 10:41
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008229
2024-01-24 09:07
Florian Dold commented on issue 0006804
2024-01-24 00:25
Florian Dold resolved issue 0006804
2024-01-24 00:25
Florian Dold commented on issue 0007573
2024-01-24 00:23
Florian Dold resolved issue 0007573
2024-01-24 00:23
Florian Dold picked up issue 0007573
2024-01-24 00:23
Florian Dold unassigned issue 0007573
2024-01-24 00:23
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008234
2024-01-23 23:51
Florian Dold resolved issue 0008234
2024-01-23 23:51
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008135
2024-01-23 23:41
2024-01-23 23:41
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008235
2024-01-23 22:50
2024-01-23 22:50
Florian Dold commented on issue 0007990
2024-01-23 22:34
Florian Dold resolved issue 0007990
2024-01-23 22:34
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008238
2024-01-23 21:47
Florian Dold created issue 0008238
2024-01-23 21:47
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008236
2024-01-23 21:45
Florian Dold created issue 0008236
2024-01-23 21:45
2024-01-23 21:38
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008234
2024-01-23 21:33
Florian Dold created issue 0008234
2024-01-23 21:33
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008165
2024-01-23 20:16
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008182
2024-01-23 20:15
2024-01-23 20:14
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008227
2024-01-23 19:06
2024-01-23 19:04
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008232
2024-01-23 19:04
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008109
2024-01-23 18:55
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008109
2024-01-23 18:53
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008110
2024-01-23 18:53
2024-01-23 18:19
2024-01-23 18:16
Florian Dold created issue 0008226
2024-01-23 18:16
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008218
2024-01-23 17:08
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008218
2024-01-23 17:08
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008219
2024-01-23 17:07
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008219
2024-01-23 17:07
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008220
2024-01-23 17:06
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008220
2024-01-23 17:06
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008221
2024-01-23 17:01
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008221
2024-01-23 17:01
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008222
2024-01-23 16:59
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008222
2024-01-23 16:59
2024-01-23 15:38
2024-01-23 14:53
2024-01-23 14:37
2024-01-23 14:16
2024-01-23 14:12
2024-01-23 14:10
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008215
2024-01-23 13:58
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008215
2024-01-23 13:58
2024-01-23 13:37
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008214
2024-01-23 12:25
Florian Dold resolved issue 0008214
2024-01-23 12:25
2024-01-23 12:19
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008214
2024-01-23 11:35
Florian Dold created issue 0008214
2024-01-23 11:35
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-23 02:11
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-23 02:01
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008210
2024-01-22 23:48
Florian Dold created issue 0008210
2024-01-22 23:48
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008184
2024-01-22 23:00
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-22 22:53
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-22 22:38
2024-01-22 22:34
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-22 22:33
2024-01-22 22:16
2024-01-22 22:15
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008209
2024-01-22 22:15
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008186
2024-01-22 22:04
2024-01-22 22:03
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008208
2024-01-22 21:59
Florian Dold resolved issue 0008208
2024-01-22 21:59
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008123
2024-01-22 21:58
2024-01-22 21:58
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008181
2024-01-22 21:50
2024-01-22 21:50
2024-01-22 21:40
Florian Dold created issue 0008209
2024-01-22 21:40
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008120
2024-01-22 21:36
Florian Dold resolved issue 0008120
2024-01-22 21:36
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008208
2024-01-22 21:08
Florian Dold created issue 0008208
2024-01-22 21:08
2024-01-22 18:17
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008204
2024-01-22 17:04
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008204
2024-01-22 17:04
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008202
2024-01-22 17:03
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008202
2024-01-22 17:03
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008102
2024-01-22 17:03
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008102
2024-01-22 17:02
Christian Grothoff reopened issue 0008102
2024-01-22 17:02
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008200
2024-01-22 16:48
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008200
2024-01-22 16:48
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008205
2024-01-22 16:45
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0006992
2024-01-22 16:35
2024-01-22 15:56
2024-01-22 15:49
2024-01-22 15:30
2024-01-22 15:00
Florian Dold commented on issue 0007915
2024-01-22 13:23
Florian Dold resolved issue 0007915
2024-01-22 13:23
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008184
2024-01-22 13:17
Florian Dold created issue 0008184
2024-01-22 13:17
Florian Dold commented on issue 0008181
2024-01-22 12:32
2024-01-22 10:37
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008182
2024-01-22 10:37
Christian Grothoff attached file math.png to issue 0008181
2024-01-22 10:13
2024-01-22 10:13
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008181
2024-01-22 10:13
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008178
2024-01-22 08:44
2024-01-22 08:42
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008178
2024-01-22 08:42
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008176
2024-01-22 08:37
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008176
2024-01-22 08:37
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008175
2024-01-21 20:06
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008175
2024-01-21 20:06
2024-01-21 20:02
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008174
2024-01-21 20:02
2024-01-21 19:57
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008173
2024-01-21 19:57
2024-01-21 19:48
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008172
2024-01-21 19:48
2024-01-21 19:45
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008171
2024-01-21 19:45
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008170
2024-01-21 19:33
2024-01-21 19:32
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008170
2024-01-21 19:32
2024-01-21 19:22
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008169
2024-01-21 19:22
2024-01-21 16:56
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008168
2024-01-21 16:56
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008152
2024-01-21 16:49
2024-01-21 15:51
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008166
2024-01-21 15:51
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008165
2024-01-21 15:26
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008165
2024-01-21 15:26
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008158
2024-01-21 14:29
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008158
2024-01-21 14:29
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008156
2024-01-21 14:27
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008156
2024-01-21 14:27
Christian Grothoff unassigned issue 0008155
2024-01-21 14:24
2024-01-21 14:24
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008155
2024-01-21 14:24
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008152
2024-01-21 14:21
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007755
2024-01-21 13:36
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0007755
2024-01-21 13:35
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0007755
2024-01-21 13:35
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0006635
2024-01-21 13:34
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0006635
2024-01-21 13:34
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0006635
2024-01-21 13:34
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007008
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007308
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007196
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007192
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007135
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007134
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007757
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007772
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007967
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007928
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0008012
2024-01-21 13:33
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0007197
2024-01-21 13:32
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0007197
2024-01-21 13:32
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0007197
2024-01-21 13:32
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008012
2024-01-21 13:30
Christian Grothoff resolved issue 0008012
2024-01-21 13:29
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008012
2024-01-21 13:29
Christian Grothoff commented on issue 0008012
2024-01-21 13:29
Christian Grothoff closed issue 0006120
2024-01-21 00:25
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008153
2024-01-20 18:27
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008153
2024-01-20 18:27
Christian Grothoff picked up issue 0008152
2024-01-20 18:27
Christian Grothoff created issue 0008152
2024-01-20 18:27
Florian Dold resolved issue 0008139
2024-01-20 12:02
2024-01-19 17:56
Florian Dold commented on issue 0007836
2024-01-19 14:46
Florian Dold resolved issue 0007836
2024-01-19 14:46
2024-01-19 14:14
2024-01-19 13:49
walterebert created issue 0008136
2024-01-19 13:49
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008135
2024-01-19 13:17
Florian Dold created issue 0008135
2024-01-19 13:17
Florian Dold picked up issue 0008134
2024-01-19 12:41
Florian Dold created issue 0008134
2024-01-19 12:41