View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009621Talermechant backendpublic2025-03-13 16:16
ReporterDana Dram Assigned ToBohdan  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version0.14 
Target Version1.0 
Summary0009621: Webhooks cannot be created due to incorrect message
DescriptionWhen attempting to create a webhook in the backend merchant application, the process fails, and an error message is displayed under the Event field: "Must be pay or refund." This occurs even when the correct event type (pay or refund) has been selected. The error prevents the webhook from being created successfully, blocking the intended functionality.
Steps To Reproduce1. Navigate to the Webhooks menu option.
2. Add a new webhook
3. Choose an event type from the dropdown menu.

Expected Behavior: When a valid event type (pay or refund) is selected no error message should be displayed under the Event field.

 Actual Behavior: The webhook creation fails (the Confirm button always remains disabled), and an incorrect error message is displayed despite selecting a valid event type.

Additional InformationThis bug prevents users from setting up webhooks. The misleading error message also creates confusion, making it unclear how to resolve the issue.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
webhook_creation.png (73,116 bytes)   
webhook_creation.png (73,116 bytes)   


Christian Grothoff

2025-03-13 14:39

manager   ~0024195

Hi Bohdan,

Could you please investigate this one? I suspect you somehow may have screwed something up when adding support for additional types of webhooks (beyond refund/payment). Or, if not, that you at least are able to quickly resolve the matter anyway ;-).

Oh, and while we're at it, please ping Sebastian to add the new webhook types you implemented (I think that branch was merged, right? So the SPA should be updated to support the new webhook types...).



2025-03-13 15:09

developer   ~0024196


I am quite sure that the problem is that BackOffice sends the request with big first letter, which screw things up, but will look into this problem, and provide solution ASAP


2025-03-13 16:16

developer   ~0024197

Theoretically this issue was already resolved by Seb according to bug id: 0009509

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-13 13:53 Dana Dram New Issue
2025-03-13 13:53 Dana Dram Status new => assigned
2025-03-13 13:53 Dana Dram Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2025-03-13 13:53 Dana Dram File Added: webhook_creation.png
2025-03-13 14:38 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff => Bohdan
2025-03-13 14:39 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0024195
2025-03-13 14:40 Christian Grothoff Target Version => 1.0
2025-03-13 15:09 Bohdan Note Added: 0024196
2025-03-13 16:16 Bohdan Note Added: 0024197