View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008063GNUnetutil librarypublic2024-06-08 12:01
Reporterschanzen Assigned Topedram  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version0.22.0 
Summary0008063: [Meta issue] Elligator for TCP/UDP transports
DescriptionImplement elligator2 and use in KX of TCP and/or UDP communicator
TagsNo tags attached.


parent of 0008064 closedpedram Define new elligator API 
parent of 0008065 assignedpedram Implement elligator in TCP communicator 
parent of 0008066 closedpedram Implement elligator in UDP communicator 
parent of 0008067 assignedpedram Update UDP communicator protocol specification 
parent of 0008068 assignedpedram Update TCP communicator protocol specification 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-11 13:46 schanzen New Issue
2024-01-11 13:47 schanzen Assigned To => pedram
2024-01-11 13:47 schanzen Status new => assigned
2024-01-11 13:48 schanzen Issue cloned: 0008064
2024-01-11 13:48 schanzen Relationship added parent of 0008064
2024-01-11 13:49 schanzen Relationship added parent of 0008065
2024-01-11 13:50 schanzen Relationship added parent of 0008066
2024-01-11 13:51 schanzen Relationship added parent of 0008067
2024-01-11 13:51 schanzen Relationship added parent of 0008068
2024-01-12 13:41 schanzen Summary Elligator for TCP/UDP transports => [Meta issue] Elligator for TCP/UDP transports
2024-03-07 20:29 schanzen Target Version => 0.21.1
2024-03-15 09:56 schanzen Target Version 0.21.1 => 0.21.2
2024-06-08 12:01 schanzen Target Version 0.21.2 => 0.22.0