View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009635GNUnetutil librarypublic2025-03-20 19:43
Reporterfefe Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Target Version0.24.1 
Summary0009635: question about linked lists
Description  1916 #define GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove(head, tail, element) \
  1917 do \
  1918 { \
  1919 GNUNET_assert (((element)->prev != NULL) || ((head) == (element))); \
  1920 GNUNET_assert (((element)->next != NULL) || ((tail) == (element))); \
  1921 if ((element)->prev == NULL) \
  1922 (head) = (element)->next; \
  1923 else \
  1924 (element)->prev->next = (element)->next; \
  1925 if ((element)->next == NULL) \
  1926 (tail) = (element)->prev; \
  1927 else \
  1928 (element)->next->prev = (element)->prev; \
  1929 (element)->next = NULL; \
  1930 (element)->prev = NULL; \
  1931 } while (0)

If you remove the last element in the list, head and tail are left pointing to the removed element.
Isn't that a problem?
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2025-03-20 19:39

administrator   ~0024264

no they are set to NULL in lines 1922 and 1926, respectively as prev and next are null by defintion (last element).


2025-03-20 19:41

administrator   ~0024265

if you mean the list len is larger than one this is also correct I think, unless the prev or next pointer of the element is corrupted

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-18 14:48 fefe New Issue
2025-03-20 19:39 schanzen Note Added: 0024264
2025-03-20 19:41 schanzen Note Added: 0024265
2025-03-20 19:43 schanzen Target Version => 0.24.1