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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009556Talerspecificationpublic2025-03-23 23:39
ReporterFlorian Dold Assigned Toschanzen  
PrioritylowSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version1.1 
Summary0009556: address merchant auth token weirdness
Description* The /token endpoint currently takes only a **Bearer** token as auth and returns another Bearer token. Instead, the /token endpoint should accept credentials via basic auth (and a Bearer token only when refreshing a token).
* For human-picked passwords (that are not auth tokens!), we should not require the secret-token: prefix. That prefix should only be necessary for *actual* tokens, not for login credentials.
* The response body isn't consistent with the bank (auth_token vs token).
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009646 assignedFlorian Dold Merchant authentication/token API not (fully documented) 
related to 0009647 assignedschanzen Scope in tokens / authorizations needs rework 
related to 0009651 assignedschanzen When changing the instance password we may want to revoke old access tokens 



2025-03-22 11:17

administrator   ~0024279

"Instead, the /token endpoint should accept credentials via basic auth (and a Bearer token only when refreshing a token)." plus "For human-picked passwords (that are not auth tokens!), we should not..."

Needs further clarification:
Is the (/private/token) endpoint ONLY supposed to accept "human-picked" passwords (or refresh tokens)? Are there any other type of credentials?
What kind of credential is the configured access token going to become?

My working assumption is also that this mainly related to the slightly messy taler-merchant-httpd.c:1883ff code, is that right?
(If yes, this will require some rework regarding a lot of security-critical logic.)


2025-03-22 18:07

administrator   ~0024282

The answers (until now) are:

The instance has a password, which can be set, for example, with taler-merchant-passwd.
This password can and must be used for /private/token requests to get an access token.
The access token can be used on all the other (private) APIs.

Open question: What about the /auth endpoint ([-instances-$INSTANCE]-private-auth). It seems to have special case handling.
It would be treated like any other API, I think, but somebody thought something else here it seems...


2025-03-22 21:30

administrator   ~0024283

I just now realized that this change will require new testing cmds to retrieve the access tokens and probably most tests needs to be modified in order to reflect the change.


2025-03-22 21:39

administrator   ~0024284

Started working on this here


2025-03-22 22:12

administrator   ~0024285

We also may have to/want to invalidate all tokens issued before a new password is set!


2025-03-23 23:34

administrator   ~0024292

Last edited: 2025-03-23 23:39

This change touches pretty much everything that uses merchant, including and inparticular the taler-typescript-core stuff. So while the implementation in the draft is pretty much good to go almost, my guess would be that this requires a lot more work across repos and integration tests.

Things todo:

- Rename JSON keys: token => password: token => access_token
- Fix SPA to use access tokens instead of passwords
- Fix Wallet to use access tokens instead of passwords (?)
- Discard tokens on pw change 0009651
- Scope rework 0009647
- Update documentation, in particular to reflect changes

When all is good I will rebase and squash the branch into a single commit.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-17 18:14 Florian Dold New Issue
2025-02-17 18:14 Florian Dold Status new => assigned
2025-02-17 18:14 Florian Dold Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2025-02-17 20:13 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff =>
2025-02-17 20:13 Christian Grothoff Status assigned => confirmed
2025-02-17 20:13 Christian Grothoff Category mechant backend => specification
2025-03-21 15:00 schanzen Relationship added related to 0009646
2025-03-21 15:00 schanzen Assigned To => schanzen
2025-03-21 15:00 schanzen Status confirmed => assigned
2025-03-22 11:17 schanzen Note Added: 0024279
2025-03-22 18:07 schanzen Note Added: 0024282
2025-03-22 21:30 schanzen Note Added: 0024283
2025-03-22 21:39 schanzen Note Added: 0024284
2025-03-22 22:12 schanzen Note Added: 0024285
2025-03-23 19:42 schanzen Relationship added related to 0009647
2025-03-23 19:43 schanzen Relationship added related to 0009651
2025-03-23 23:34 schanzen Note Added: 0024292
2025-03-23 23:36 schanzen Note Edited: 0024292
2025-03-23 23:36 schanzen Note Edited: 0024292
2025-03-23 23:37 schanzen Note Edited: 0024292
2025-03-23 23:38 schanzen Note Edited: 0024292
2025-03-23 23:39 schanzen Note Edited: 0024292