View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009456Talerdeployment and operationspublic2025-01-24 00:51
ReporterChristian Grothoff Assigned Todvn  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Platformi7OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Versionsqueeze
Target Version1.0 
Summary0009456: migrate buildbot to firefly
DescriptionWith data in RAM disk. DNS already updated for, but the jobs need testing.

With this comes all the web sites the buildbot generates, including head + test.
TagsNo tags attached.


Christian Grothoff

2025-01-24 00:51

manager   ~0024000

dvn: please help with the non-codespell, non-linkchecker issues. Some are, well, weird.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-12 18:30 Christian Grothoff New Issue
2025-01-12 18:30 Christian Grothoff Status new => assigned
2025-01-12 18:30 Christian Grothoff Assigned To => Florian Dold
2025-01-12 18:30 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Florian Dold => Christian Grothoff
2025-01-24 00:50 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff => dvn
2025-01-24 00:51 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0024000