View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009443Talermerchant-pos-terminal (Android App)public2025-01-08 21:53
ReporterFlorian Dold Assigned Toavalos  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version1.0 
Summary0009443: merchant PoS should have much longer timeout by default
DescriptionCurrently, it's 60 seconds.

Ideally, in the settings we could still set the small timeout for testing, as this already surfaced some bugs.
TagsNo tags attached.



2025-01-08 21:53

developer   ~0023952

If the exchange takes more than 60 seconds to complete an operation, it's probably because either the merchant is unreasonably slow (should be investigated), or there are products with huge images being downloaded as base64 from the merchant, this is a merchant backend issue, in my opinion, as the merchant backend should downsize the images by default.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-07 16:05 Florian Dold New Issue
2025-01-07 16:05 Florian Dold Status new => assigned
2025-01-07 16:05 Florian Dold Assigned To => grote
2025-01-07 16:05 Florian Dold Assigned To grote => avalos
2025-01-08 21:53 avalos Note Added: 0023952