View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009387Talerspecificationpublic2025-03-28 14:06
ReporterChristian Grothoff Assigned Tooec  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformi7OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Versionsqueeze
Product Versiongit (master) 
Target Version1.0Fixed in Version1.0 
Summary0009387: introduce new withdraw protocol with single-signature for batch withdraw
DescriptionThis way, we can align the age and non-age withdraw paths better and don't have a major DB transition with major backwards-compatibility issues in the future.
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0009371 assignedoec Design and implement a unified /withdraw endpoint for age-withdraw and batch-withdraw 



2024-12-16 11:50

developer   ~0023881

I like to add a note to the docs/core/api-exchange.rst stating from which version on the new API is available.
That should be protocol version 1.0.1 (so that the API of 0.14.0 is still accepted) , correct?

Christian Grothoff

2024-12-16 11:56

manager   ~0023882

Eh, there is no protocol version 1.0.1. You should state that the new API will be available as of **v24**, *or* if you're quite unsure about this being done soon, using "**vUWITHDRAW** and then we'll do a global search-and-replace of vUWITHDRAW with vXX once we know the number.


2024-12-16 12:17

developer   ~0023883

Ah, of course, I meant the EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION in exchange/src/exchange/taler-exchange-httpd_config.h, my bad.


2025-03-28 13:34

developer   ~0024330

Implemented with 486a815183202b8b4e90949746db2e070a038dda
according to

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-15 19:44 Christian Grothoff New Issue
2024-12-15 19:44 Christian Grothoff Status new => assigned
2024-12-15 19:44 Christian Grothoff Assigned To => oec
2024-12-16 10:54 oec Relationship added child of 0009371
2024-12-16 11:50 oec Note Added: 0023881
2024-12-16 11:56 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0023882
2024-12-16 12:17 oec Note Added: 0023883
2025-03-28 13:34 oec Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-28 13:34 oec Resolution open => fixed
2025-03-28 13:34 oec Fixed in Version => git (master)
2025-03-28 13:34 oec Note Added: 0024330
2025-03-28 14:06 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version git (master) => 1.0