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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009330Talermerchant backendpublic2024-12-13 19:15
ReporterStefan Assigned Tosebasjm  
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Product Versiongit (master) 
Target Version0.14Fixed in Version0.14 
Summary0009330: Corrections of English strings in the Merchant Backend / Backoffice
DescriptionDear Sebastian,

Due to big success with the first part of corrections, we should continue with text improvements for the Merchant Backend / Backoffice - part 2, this time as Mantis ticket. �

Copy this code and paste it into the subject/purpose field in your banking app or bank website
--> Copy this string and paste it into the field 'Subject' (resp. 'Purpose') in your banking app or bank website
[NB: I would not say 'code' for an alphanumeric string which is neither a password nor an algorithm, but just a hash value. Normal users expect to see an ordinary word instead which might be 'string'. Secondly, let's not say 'purpose', but just 'subject' which is used overall in banking apps.]

Finish the wire transfer setting smallest amount in your banking app or website.
--> Select the smallest possible amount for the wire transfer in your banking app or on your online banking website.

Alternative if your bank already supports PayTo URI, you can use this %1$s link instead
--> Alternatively, if your bank already supports the standard 'PayTo URI', you can use this %1$s link instead

Request succeeded but server didn't reply the 'credit_account' so we can't check that the account is the same.
--> The request was made correctly, but the bank's server did not respond with the appropriate value for 'credit_account', so we cannot confirm that it is the same bank account.
[This is my suggestion only. What is the 'credit_account' in normal words from a user's perspective?]

The exchange require a account verification.
--> The Payment Service Provider requires an account verification.
["Payment Service Provider" is the better expression as we want to avoid the term "exchange" in public.]

Total price for the transaction
[What does that word "price" mean? Is it the fees for the transaction or is it the total amount to be transferred?]

Missing id
--> Missing ID

Internal id on the system
--> Internal ID on the system

Size of the key must be 32
--> The size of the key must be 32 characters

Only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending
--> Only display orders that have already been paid for by buyers and for which the wire transfer by the payment service provider is still pending

You are updating the access token for the instance with id ${state.instance}
--> You are updating the access token for the instance with ID ${state.instance}

If specified, this template will create an order with the same summary
--> If specified here, this template will create orders with the same summary
[A template would create a plurality of orders with the same summary text, right?]

If specified, this template will create an order with the same price
--> If specified here, this template will create orders with the same price
[Same case as above: A template would create a plurality of orders with the same price.]

Cheers and thanks for your work!
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-11-11 14:18

developer   ~0023692

> [This is my suggestion only. What is the 'credit_account' in normal words from a user's perspective?]

Credit account is the field on the response endpoint

> [What does that word "price" mean? Is it the fees for the transaction or is it the total amount to be transferred?]

The order's amount. The price of the order.

> [A template would create a plurality of orders with the same summary text, right?]




2024-11-11 17:40

developer   ~0023700

Last edited: 2024-11-11 18:31

Please do not close tickets too quick before I have a chance to reflect and reply.

>> [This is my suggestion only. What is the 'credit_account' in normal words from a user's perspective?]
> Credit account is the field on the response endpoint
Is it the recipient's bank account? Credit account is an ambigous expression and as such to avoid. Let's name it 'account_credited' or 'recipients_account'.
What is the "response endpoint"?

>> [What does that word "price" mean? Is it the fees for the transaction or is it the total amount to be transferred?]
>The order's amount. The price of the order.
The order's total amount to pay.


2024-12-11 08:48

developer   ~0023852

Dear Sebastian, dear Berna,
This is part 3 of text improvements for the Merchant Backend / Backoffice with one other string change for the Bank SPA. Below, please find the strings in English to be changed. Berna, please be so kind to review my propositions. Given the case that my phrases contains rude mistakes, reply to this Mantis ticket.

Thank you.

Device delete successfully --> The device was successfully deleted
Lost can't be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s) --> The shrinkage cannot be greater than the current stock and the quantity of supplies (max %1$s)
Token familty created successfully --> The token family was successfully created
Check the id, does not look valid --> Please check the ID as its format does not appear to be valid
Use to verify transaction in offline mode. --> Use to verify transactions in offline mode.
Create qr code for the template --> Create QR code for the template
This instance doesn't have authentication token. --> This instance does not have authentication tokens.
Transfers --> Wire transfers [In case that wire transfers are meant here]
Load more transfers before the first one --> Load more wire transfers before the first one
Wire transfer informed successfully --> The wire transfer was successfully processed [or what does mean "informed"?]
Could not inform transfer --> The wire transfer could not be processed [same case as above]
Assume the cost of the transaction of let the user pay for it. --> Costs of the transaction are covered by the merchant or the payer.
The text below support %1$s template engine. Any string between %2$s and %3$s will be replaced with replaced with the value of the corresponding variable. --> The text below supports %1$s template engine. Any string between %2$s and %3$s will be replaced with the value of the corresponding variable.
Webhook delete successfully --> Webhook was successfully deleted
Category id is unknown --> This category ID is unknown
Some transfer are on hold until a KYC process is completed. Go to the KYC section in the left panel for more information -->Some transfers are on hold until a KYC process is completed. Go to the KYC section in the left panel for more information
Algorithm used to verify transaction in offline mode --> Algorithm used to verify transactions in offline mode

Bank SPA:
Counterpart --> Counter-account
Recipient --> Recipient's account


2024-12-11 19:35

developer   ~0023865

Device delete successfully --> Unchanged - I think this is proper English and conveys what we are saying considering this is an app.
Lost can't be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s) --> Shrinkage cannot exceed the current stock and incoming supplies (maximum: %1$s).
Token familty created successfully - spelling error - Token family created successfully.
Check the id, does not look valid --> Please check the ID; it does not appear to be valid.
Use to verify transaction in offline mode. --> Use to verify transactions in offline mode. - is it one transaction or multiple?
Create qr code for the template --> Generate a QR code for the template.
This instance does not have an authentication token. --> This instance does not have authentication tokens. How many tokens are required for authentication?
Transfers --> Wire transfers [In case that wire transfers are meant here] - Funds Transfers - Money Transfers - Transaction Transfers - more clarity is needed IMO.
Load more transfers before the first one --> Load more (wire/fund/money/...) transfers preceding the first one.
Wire transfer informed successfully. --> Wire transfer submitted successfully. Is this what you mean?
Could not inform transfer --> Unable to submit the transfer.
Assume the cost of the transaction of let the user pay for it. -->Cover the transaction cost or pass it on to the user.
The text below support %1$s template engine. Any string between %2$s and %3$s will be replaced with replaced with the value of the corresponding variable. -->The text below supports the %1$s template engine. Any string between %2$s and %3$s will be replaced with the value of the corresponding variable.
Webhook delete successfully --> Webhook deleted successfully
Category id is unknown --> Category ID is unknown or Unkown Category ID.
Some transfer are on hold until a KYC process is completed. Go to the KYC section in the left panel for more information -->Some transfers are on hold until the KYC process is completed. Visit the KYC section in the left panel for more information.
Algorithm used to verify transaction in offline mode --> Unchanged
Bank SPA:
Counterpart -->Unchanged - However, considering it is recipient of funds in a transaction, I'd consider “Recipient” or “Payee” instead of Counterpart. However, if you mean within contractual agreement context, then keep it as <Counterpart>
Recipient --> Unchanged, however, is it Add New Recipient/Recipient Name/Recipient Account?


2024-12-12 17:17

developer   ~0023871

> The wire transfer was successfully processed [or what does mean "informed"?]

After merchants see a wire transfer in their bank account they go to backoffice to manually inform about it. In the backoffice form they choose the exchange, add the wire transfer id and submit the inform. The merchant backend then checks with the exchange if that wire transfer is read (from that exchange) and gets information to know for which order this wire transfer corresponds to.
So the action is "inform a wire transfer"[-instances-$INSTANCE]-private-transfers

> is it one transaction or multiple?

With the same device you can check multiple transactions, so plural make sense.

> How many tokens are required for authentication?

Just one, you either have one (like a password) or you don't (and authentication/authorization is done somewhere else).

For the bank spa changes they will remain unchanged. This words are in the column name of the wire transfer transactions. I think that adding "account" will just make the column wider but no relevant information is added. Also, is a column label and the transactions in the list are incoming/outgoing so the word needs to be neutral (can't use Payee)


2024-12-12 17:19

developer   ~0023872

changes made, strings updated, also links in weblate should be fixed


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-07 09:38 Stefan New Issue
2024-11-07 09:38 Stefan Status new => assigned
2024-11-07 09:38 Stefan Assigned To => sebasjm
2024-11-11 14:18 sebasjm Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-11 14:18 sebasjm Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-11 14:18 sebasjm Note Added: 0023692
2024-11-11 17:40 Stefan Status resolved => feedback
2024-11-11 17:40 Stefan Resolution fixed => reopened
2024-11-11 17:40 Stefan Note Added: 0023700
2024-11-11 18:31 Stefan Note Edited: 0023700
2024-12-07 23:12 Christian Grothoff Target Version git (master) => 0.14
2024-12-11 08:48 Stefan Note Added: 0023852
2024-12-11 08:48 Stefan Status feedback => assigned
2024-12-11 19:35 bernaalp Note Added: 0023865
2024-12-12 17:17 sebasjm Note Added: 0023871
2024-12-12 17:19 sebasjm Status assigned => resolved
2024-12-12 17:19 sebasjm Note Added: 0023872
2024-12-13 01:59 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 0.14
2024-12-13 19:15 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => closed
2025-03-22 14:09 Christian Grothoff Category mechant backend => merchant backend