View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009262Talerwallet (Android App)public2025-02-14 22:42
Reporteravalos Assigned Toavalos  
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target Version1.0Fixed in Version1.0 
Summary0009262: Unified UI/UX flows
DescriptionImplement the new unified UI/UX proposal for mobile wallets.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-11-08 12:56

developer   ~0023677

The UI/UX redesign is almost complete (feedback/testing wanted!), here are screenshots of the redesigned screens so far:
Screenshot_20241108-124745.png (157,244 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124745.png (157,244 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124754.png (172,677 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124754.png (172,677 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124814.png (143,575 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124814.png (143,575 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124907.png (95,310 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-124907.png (95,310 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125016.png (89,044 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125016.png (89,044 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125051.png (112,159 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125051.png (112,159 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125110.png (96,915 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125110.png (96,915 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125133.png (92,097 bytes)   
Screenshot_20241108-125133.png (92,097 bytes)   


2024-11-08 13:34

developer   ~0023678

The initial interaction with the "Taler button" can be seen in this video.

There are two possible interactions:
a) If the user is clicked, a bottom sheet will appear with the main actions (deposit, withdraw, send, receive, scan QR, etc.)
b) a) If the button is dragged up and then dropped, the QR scanner will open.
    b) If the button is dragged up and then down, the action will cancel and nothing will happen.

The button will wiggle twice and show the "Actions" tooltip at every launch _until_ the user interacts with it.


2024-12-27 14:51

developer   ~0023913

Fixed in 0.14

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-10-10 13:58 avalos New Issue
2024-10-10 13:58 avalos Status new => assigned
2024-10-10 13:58 avalos Assigned To => avalos
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos Note Added: 0023677
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-124745.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-124754.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-124814.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-124907.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-125016.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-125051.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-125110.png
2024-11-08 12:56 avalos File Added: Screenshot_20241108-125133.png
2024-11-08 13:34 avalos Note Added: 0023678
2024-11-08 13:34 avalos File Added: screen-20241108-125953-cut2.mp4
2024-11-08 13:36 avalos Assigned To avalos =>
2024-11-08 13:36 avalos Status assigned => feedback
2024-11-08 13:37 avalos Assigned To => avalos
2024-11-08 13:37 avalos Status feedback => assigned
2024-11-08 13:37 avalos Status assigned => feedback
2024-12-27 14:51 avalos Status feedback => resolved
2024-12-27 14:51 avalos Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-27 14:51 avalos Note Added: 0023913
2025-02-14 22:42 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 1.0