View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0009241 | Taler | exchange | public | 2024-10-02 15:57 | 2024-12-13 19:15 |
Reporter | sebasjm | Assigned To | Christian Grothoff | ||
Priority | high | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 0.14 | ||||
Target Version | 0.14 | Fixed in Version | 0.14 | ||
Summary | 0009241: error after completing kyc | ||||
Description | after withdrawal and completing the kyc challenge the error [1] is shown in the kyc-spa and the error [2] is found in the exchange httpd logs [1] Unexpected request error Unexpected HTTP status 500 in response { "requestMethod": "GET", "requestUrl": "http://exchange.taler.test:1180/kyc-info/75CWKRS88SGV0X9KMHJ10ZNWTMT5XEQWTEFHPWAKT9WQDH0NMD6G?timeout_ms=1000", "httpStatusCode": 500, "errorResponse": { "code": 52, "hint": "The service failed to store information in its database. The system administrator should check that the database is running and review the service logs.", "detail": "insert_active_legitimization_measure" } } [2] (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) INFO Handling request (GET) for URL '/kyc-info/75CWKRS88SGV0X9KMHJ10ZNWTMT5XEQWTEFHPWAKT9WQDH0NMD6G' (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) INFO Starting DB event listening (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) INFO Executing PQ command `LISTEN X9KY3KST2B2MYDSNKGQTD7VC3EN27JK2F9DS3D3C42ARGKG430JD0' (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) ERROR PQprepare (`SELECT out_legitimization_measure_serial_id FROM exchange_do_insert_active_legitimization_measure($1, $2);' as `do_insert_active_legitimization_measure') failed with error: ERROR: function exchange_do_insert_active_legitimization_measure(unknown, unknown) does not exist LINE 1: SELECT out_legitimization_measure_serial_id FROM exchange_do... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) ERROR Assertion failed at pg_insert_active_legitimization_measure.c:51. (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) ERROR Assertion failed at taler-exchange-httpd_kyc-info.c:522. (97VPDCAFJPMBWVZD3WZ68VM06R) INFO Cancelling DB event listening | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
that does not stop the wallet from getting the money |
here is the config [1] and the result of script `` that check if the email received from the challenger has the domain `` [2] (it seems to work as expected) [kyc-rule-tier1_withdraw] OPERATION_TYPE = WITHDRAW NEXT_MEASURES = onlyTalers IS_AND_COMBINATOR = NO EXPOSED = YES THRESHOLD = YEIN:10 TIMEFRAME = forever ENABLED = YES [kyc-measure-onlyTalers] CHECK_NAME = askEmail CONTEXT = {"domain":""} PROGRAM = validEmailDomain [kyc-check-askEmail] TYPE = LINK VOLUNTARY = NO PROVIDER_ID = emailChallenger #DESCRIPTION = "validate your email" DESCRIPTION = "Follow the link to validate your email" REQUIRES = domain OUTPUTS = email FALLBACK = gatheringProblem [aml-program-validEmailDomain] COMMAND = DESCRIPTION = "check if the email is in domain" ENABLED = YES FALLBACK = programProblem [kyc-measure-programProblem] CHECK_NAME = SKIP CONTEXT = {"from":"running-program"} PROGRAM = saveError [kyc-measure-gatheringProblem] CHECK_NAME = SKIP CONTEXT = {"from":"gathering-form"} PROGRAM = saveError [aml-program-saveError] COMMAND = DESCRIPTION = "save an error to a log and marked the account to manual review" ENABLED = YES FALLBACK = logProblem [kyc-measure-logProblem] CHECK_NAME = SKIP CONTEXT = {"from":"log"} PROGRAM = saveError [2] {"to_investigate":true, "properties":{}, "events": [], "new_rules": { "expiration_time": { "t_s" : 1727888505 }, "rules" : [], "custom_measures": {} }} |
SQL issue fixed in db82240b3..0d1b6505c. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2024-10-02 15:57 | sebasjm | New Issue | |
2024-10-02 15:57 | sebasjm | Status | new => assigned |
2024-10-02 15:57 | sebasjm | Assigned To | => Christian Grothoff |
2024-10-02 15:58 | sebasjm | Note Added: 0023421 | |
2024-10-02 16:06 | sebasjm | Note Added: 0023422 | |
2024-10-02 22:42 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0023430 | |
2024-10-02 22:42 | Christian Grothoff | Status | assigned => resolved |
2024-10-02 22:42 | Christian Grothoff | Resolution | open => fixed |
2024-10-02 22:42 | Christian Grothoff | Fixed in Version | => 0.14 |
2024-12-13 19:15 | Christian Grothoff | Status | resolved => closed |