View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009217Talermerchant backendpublic2024-12-13 19:15
Reportersebasjm Assigned ToChristian Grothoff  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.0 stretch goals 
Target Version0.14Fixed in Version0.14 
Summary0009217: account & status identification in /private/kyc
Descriptionreturn h_wire for every merchant payto, so we can jump from kyc status to bank account details$INSTANCE-private-kyc

also, instead of returning exchange_code, exchange_http_status, ... merchant should return an "status " field as interpretation of the exchange response:
 - could not contact exchange (no key)
 - no wire method compatible
 - account authentication required (merchant should send a wire transfer to one of the exchange bank account)
 - wire transfer blocked until kyc (aggregation kyc, deposit still posible)
 - deposits blocked until kyc (deposit kyc)
 - ready / usable

if we have this one field, we can get rid of almost all others

TagsNo tags attached.


Christian Grothoff

2024-10-06 17:59

manager   ~0023454

fdb8d906..95f6ba27 changes the spec and 95f6ba27..f1fa1193 changes the implementation to return h_wire.

Christian Grothoff

2024-11-12 23:37

manager   ~0023708

docs.git :: c31719e2..b8cbb2c8 adds the requested "status" field with a string summarizing the state.
merchant.git :: 1a3e1817..795faaf1 implements this.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-09-23 20:05 sebasjm New Issue
2024-09-23 20:05 sebasjm Status new => assigned
2024-09-23 20:05 sebasjm Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2024-10-06 17:59 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0023454
2024-10-06 18:00 Christian Grothoff Summary account identification in /private/kyc => account & status identification in /private/kyc
2024-10-07 16:11 Christian Grothoff Priority normal => low
2024-11-12 23:37 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0023708
2024-11-12 23:37 Christian Grothoff Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-12 23:37 Christian Grothoff Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-12 23:37 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 0.14
2024-11-12 23:38 Christian Grothoff Target Version 1.0 stretch goals => 0.14
2024-12-13 19:15 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => closed
2025-03-22 14:09 Christian Grothoff Category mechant backend => merchant backend