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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008913Talermechant backendpublic2024-07-26 00:11
ReporterFlorian Dold Assigned ToFlorian Dold  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Target Version0.12Fixed in Version0.12 
Summary0008913: merchant backend has empty /transfers response despite non-empty exchange /deposits response from exchange
DescriptionThis seems to happen when the merchant has a different host configured in the payto://x-taler-bank/ URI configured than the actual account in the bank.

It looks like some components ignore the host name in the payto://x-taler-bank URI, while others don't.

That leads to:
* The transfer from the exchange arriving at the merchant's bank account
* The exchange giving a non-empty response to /deposits
* The merchant's /transfers API returning an empty response

While this is a misconfiguration, it would be very difficult to detect in practice, since non of the merchant services log anything about the problem.
Additional Informationfdold-work@sapota ~> curl ''
  "execution_time": {
    "t_s": 1717779129
  "coin_contribution": "FLODOS:1",
  "exchange_pub": "WJFB76CW0BYJ89SGHPPK4R5ZZQBBM11N25VS2GPNE3S425WGHEGG"

fdold-work@sapota ~> curl -H "Authorization: Bearer secret-token:test"
  "transfers": []

fdold-work@sapota ~> curl -H "Authorization: Bearer secret-token:test"
  "accounts": [
      "payto_uri": "payto://x-taler-bank/",

fdold-work@sapota ~> curl -u mymerchant:test | jq .
  "name": "My Merchant",
  "balance": {
    "amount": "FLODOS:3",
    "credit_debit_indicator": "credit"
  "payto_uri": "payto://x-taler-bank/",
  "debit_threshold": "FLODOS:0",
  "contact_data": {
    "email": null,
    "phone": null
  "is_public": true,
  "is_taler_exchange": false,
  "status": "active"

# Notice the mismatch:
# At libeufin-bank:
# payto://x-taler-bank/"
# vs at the merchant backend (missing dash in hostname)
# payto://x-taler-bank/
TagsNo tags attached.


Christian Grothoff

2024-06-16 12:46

manager   ~0022616

Are you sure? taler-merchant-wirewatch.c seems to have a warning in line 404 which SHOULD trigger if lookup_transfer failed to find the WTID after insertion returned 0, and insertion should return 0 only if the record either already existed, OR if the account doesn't yet exist. So to me (not having tried to reproduce this), the 404 line seems to log exactly the payto://-URI that would be troublesome.

Florian Dold

2024-06-16 16:33

manager   ~0022619

This was actually based on my misunderstanding of how the merchant's /transfers API works.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-07 19:58 Florian Dold New Issue
2024-06-07 19:58 Florian Dold Status new => assigned
2024-06-07 19:58 Florian Dold Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2024-06-07 19:58 Florian Dold Additional Information Updated
2024-06-07 20:01 Florian Dold Additional Information Updated
2024-06-16 12:46 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0022616
2024-06-16 12:46 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff => Florian Dold
2024-06-16 12:46 Christian Grothoff Status assigned => feedback
2024-06-16 16:33 Florian Dold Status feedback => resolved
2024-06-16 16:33 Florian Dold Resolution open => no change required
2024-06-16 16:33 Florian Dold Note Added: 0022619
2024-07-26 00:11 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 0.12
2024-07-26 00:11 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => closed