View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008910Talerotherpublic2024-07-26 00:11
ReporterFlorian Dold Assigned ToFlorian Dold  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version0.12Fixed in Version0.12 
Summary0008910: use lockfiles for SPA versions consumed via prebuilt submodule
DescriptionIf the version from the lock file does not match the version from the submodule, the build system must complain,
TagsNo tags attached.


Florian Dold

2024-06-10 17:07

manager   ~0022570

Implemented in merchant and bank as part of the bootstrap script.

Lockfiles are $component.lock in contrib/

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-07 19:47 Florian Dold New Issue
2024-06-07 19:47 Florian Dold Status new => assigned
2024-06-07 19:47 Florian Dold Assigned To => Florian Dold
2024-06-10 17:07 Florian Dold Status assigned => resolved
2024-06-10 17:07 Florian Dold Resolution open => fixed
2024-06-10 17:07 Florian Dold Note Added: 0022570
2024-07-26 00:11 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 0.12
2024-07-26 00:11 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => closed