View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008777Talerlibeufin-nexuspublic2025-02-14 22:42
ReporterFlorian Dold Assigned ToAntoine A  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target Version1.0Fixed in Version1.0 
Summary0008777: confirm assumptions about c52 in zka/gls dialect.
DescriptionWe should talk to GLS / the EBICS server implementer to make sure that c52 booked transactions are actually booked, *despite* the message type c52 generally indicating "Vormerkposten" ("earmarked transactions").
TagsNo tags attached.


Antoine A

2025-01-09 11:54

developer   ~0023955

We now have Überweisungsgutschr instead of Vormerkposten

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-29 16:58 Florian Dold New Issue
2024-04-29 16:58 Florian Dold Status new => assigned
2024-04-29 16:58 Florian Dold Assigned To => Antoine A
2025-01-09 11:54 Antoine A Status assigned => resolved
2025-01-09 11:54 Antoine A Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-09 11:54 Antoine A Note Added: 0023955
2025-02-14 22:42 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 1.0