View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008725Talerwallet (iOS App)public2024-07-26 00:10
ReporterMarcS Assigned ToMarcS  
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version0.11 
Target Version0.13 
Summary0008725: implement advanced (bank-integrated) withdrawal flow
Descriptionamount selection via the wallet, netto/brutto, fee computation, and maybe even exchange selection
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0008691 closedFlorian Dold specify advanced (bank-integrated) withdrawal flow with 2FA considerations [estimate: 5h] 


Christian Grothoff

2024-07-19 01:08

manager   ~0022833

@marc: is there progress on this RC bug? What is the timeline?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-10 19:08 MarcS New Issue
2024-04-10 19:08 MarcS Status new => assigned
2024-04-10 19:08 MarcS Assigned To => MarcS
2024-04-10 19:09 MarcS Relationship added related to 0008691
2024-06-05 17:26 Florian Dold Target Version 0.11 => 0.12
2024-07-10 15:57 Florian Dold Issue cloned: 0009011
2024-07-19 01:08 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0022833
2024-07-26 00:10 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.12 => 0.13