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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008516Talerdocumentationpublic2024-08-24 20:38
ReporterChristian Grothoff Assigned ToMarcS  
Status assignedResolutionfixed 
Platformi7OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Versionsqueeze
Product Versiongit (master) 
Target Version0.14 
Summary0008516: need screenshots for DD53 (~2-3 hours)
DescriptionWe need (reasonable) screen shots for all screens in DD53 for Chrome, Firefox, iOS and Android. I've started to add some in the docs.git/screenshots/ directory (cta*.png) following the naming conventions I proposed on mattermost.

Please start to create similar screenshots (-0 for current version, plus symlink -latest) for the other platforms (and possibly more for the missing screens), and integrate them via "image::" into DD53. Additionally, expand DD53 with any dialogs/screens that are missing (whenever you encounter one).
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0008583 closedavalos DD53: finalize screen specifications and add screenshots 
child of 0008476 assignedStefan regio: improve user manual with detailed steps after installation 



2024-03-07 17:51

reporter   ~0021761

Screenshots have been pushed to docs.git and added into DD53.

Commit 767c7bfb838bb6667239a4854ed0c51b504fb625

Christian Grothoff

2024-03-07 18:06

manager   ~0021767

Eh, that's not *all* of them (like 'settings', list of exchanges is missing), and only Android (at least I don't see iOS)...


2024-03-07 18:09

reporter   ~0021768

Ah, sorry, I thought that this bug was only for Android, and also that I only had to fill in the screens that were already defined in DD53, which I mostly did.

Christian Grothoff

2024-03-07 18:23

manager   ~0021769

Nah, it is about collecting *all* half-way interesting screens and adding them to DD53, plus doing screenshots on all 3 platforms (including missing ones from iOS and WebEx!).

Christian Grothoff

2024-03-30 23:18

manager   ~0022057

I've now added screenshots for the fourth platform: Chrome/Chromium that was so far missing.

Christian Grothoff

2024-03-31 00:33

manager   ~0022059

We now primarily have issues on iOS, hence assigning to Marc. The remaining issues I see are (based on the TOPS-site needs only!):

Step #3:
iOS: screenshot shows *empty* ToS.

Step #7:
iOS: shows checkout, not actual QR code dialog
=> suggestion: maybe show screens from pop-up "open URI" sequence?

Step #9:
iOS: screen shot fails to show DELETE button (does button exist?)

Christian Grothoff

2024-03-31 19:04

manager   ~0022071

Screenshots of 'settngs' and (if applicable) dev-tools are also missing for all platforms.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-25 17:04 Christian Grothoff New Issue
2024-02-25 17:04 Christian Grothoff Status new => assigned
2024-02-25 17:04 Christian Grothoff Assigned To => avalos
2024-02-25 17:04 Christian Grothoff Priority normal => high
2024-03-02 21:31 Christian Grothoff Relationship added child of 0008476
2024-03-07 17:51 avalos Status assigned => resolved
2024-03-07 17:51 avalos Resolution open => fixed
2024-03-07 17:51 avalos Note Added: 0021761
2024-03-07 17:52 avalos Relationship added has duplicate 0008583
2024-03-07 18:06 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0021767
2024-03-07 18:06 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => assigned
2024-03-07 18:09 avalos Note Added: 0021768
2024-03-07 18:23 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0021769
2024-03-30 23:18 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0022057
2024-03-31 00:32 Christian Grothoff Assigned To avalos => MarcS
2024-03-31 00:33 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0022059
2024-03-31 19:04 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0022071
2024-04-12 18:09 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.10 => 0.11
2024-05-13 21:22 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.11 => 0.12
2024-07-26 00:10 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.12 => 0.13
2024-07-31 18:22 MarcS Summary need screenshots for DD53 => need screenshots for DD53 (~2-3 hours)
2024-08-24 20:38 Christian Grothoff Target Version 0.13 => 0.14