View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0007350 | Taler | wallet (Android App) | public | 2022-09-08 20:52 | 2023-01-26 22:53 |
Reporter | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | grote | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | text | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | i7 | OS | Debian GNU/Linux | OS Version | squeeze |
Target Version | 0.9.1 | Fixed in Version | 0.9.1 | ||
Summary | 0007350: Don't allow input of amounts with more than 8 decimal places | ||||
Description | After entering an amount of < 1 satoshi, the Android wallet said "amount invalid", which confused the user (so many zeros...). We should give a better error message, maybe something like "amount too small", when an amount is smaller than the smallest denomination, and maybe something similar if it is not a multiple of the smallest denomination (like if someone tries to enter Pi as an amount...). | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
sebasjm: please take note, same issue likely also applies to webextension somewhere. |
Where exactly did the user enter the invalid amount? The wallet UI doesn't know about the smallest denomination, thus I suspect the error message coming from wallet-core. |
I think it was either on P2P transfer or on withdraw, don't recall for sure. Anyway, while the error may have come from wallet-core, the UI can make a hard assumption that 10^-8 is the smallest fraction, as that's hard-coded in the Taler protocols. But of course you are right: depending on the currency the smallest *allowed* amount may be larger. But here I think it was actually the amount parsing that already failed, not the currency-specific logic. |
Without steps to reproduce this, there is not much I can do. |
I need to get more Bitcoin first and/or setup btc testnet again. This will take a bit. |
Got it reproduced. I simply had the BTC in my wallet, and then clicked on "send funds". Then, under "amount to send", I entered 0.00000000001 and clicked "To another wallet" to get the error message inside of the "Amount to send" widget (changed to red, nice). The main issue here is that the amount widget should immediately show 'amount too small' *or* ideally not even allow me to enter that many digits after the period. Taler defines amounts to be at most 1-billionth of the unit currency, so 0.00000001 is per protocol (!) the smallest unit ever allowed anywhere. Hence, even before clicking on "to another wallet" and irrespective of the currency, all wallets can safely not allow users to specify fractions smaller than 0.00000001. (So also 1.000000001 is illegal!). I guess a precise error message might not be "amount invalid" or "amount too small", but "fraction has too many digits". |
Resolved in 9bb3505277b8132c3fd0be52d9bbbc6078723ff2 |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2022-09-08 20:52 | Christian Grothoff | New Issue | |
2022-09-08 20:52 | Christian Grothoff | Status | new => assigned |
2022-09-08 20:52 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | => grote |
2022-09-08 20:52 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0019107 | |
2022-09-09 14:07 | grote | Note Added: 0019112 | |
2022-10-20 11:56 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0019258 | |
2022-10-24 20:00 | grote | Assigned To | grote => Christian Grothoff |
2022-10-24 20:00 | grote | Status | assigned => feedback |
2022-10-24 20:00 | grote | Note Added: 0019291 | |
2022-10-24 20:34 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0019298 | |
2022-11-23 11:15 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0019475 | |
2022-11-23 11:16 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | Christian Grothoff => grote |
2023-01-03 14:52 | grote | Summary | user complains about confusing error message "amount invalid" => Don't allow input of amounts with more than 8 decimal places |
2023-01-03 15:23 | grote | Status | feedback => resolved |
2023-01-03 15:23 | grote | Resolution | open => fixed |
2023-01-03 15:23 | grote | Note Added: 0019556 | |
2023-01-23 22:25 | Christian Grothoff | Target Version | => 0.9.1 |
2023-01-23 22:25 | Christian Grothoff | Fixed in Version | => 0.9.1 |
2023-01-26 22:53 | Christian Grothoff | Status | resolved => closed |