View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009616Talerwallet (Android App)public2025-03-22 07:19
ReporterOlivierR Assigned ToEmmanuel  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformAndroid - Xiaomi Hyper OSOSVersion UNRMIXM.OS VersionVersion
Product Version0.14 
Target Version1.0 
Summary0009616: Confusing French translation: request tokens from Android.
DescriptionWhen we did the testing with french android users. The testers were confused by the term used to complete the operation: "Créer une facture". ‘Create an invoice’.
They didn't understand that this command was used to complete the operation so that the QR code would appear.
All 4 testers stalled at this stage.
Steps To ReproduceIn the wallet, click on request and go to the last step of the operation.
Tagsandroid, language, translation
Attached Files
IMG_7071.jpg (424,680 bytes)



2025-03-12 17:34

developer   ~0024181

It is always good to see the image of the bug. Great to see it attached to the ticket.

Well, "Create an invoice" is long gone in the English version of the Android wallet. We had in French before "Créer une demande" which corresponds to the now implemented "Create request" (see and,position#history). Is "Créer une demande" the right expression? And what should we write for "Request money from another wallet"?


2025-03-12 17:53

developer   ~0024184

"Créer une demande" would be the litteral translation for "Create request".
I don't know what's the most clear: perhaps to show that we've reached the end of the operation, using the term: "Finaliser la demande" ‘Finalising the request’ would be the clearest.

For "Request money from another wallet", the french translation will be: "Demander de l'argent à un autre portefeuille".


2025-03-12 18:23

developer   ~0024185

The transaction flow is as follows:
(1) - This is the "Request-Action-Button": 'Request' in French now: "Demande" - But this should actually be a verb! ---> "Demander"
(2) - This is an information about the current step for the user: 'Request money' in French now: "Demande de paiement" - But this is semantically and grammatically wrong and should be "Demander de l'argent"
(3) - This is the header info (Key receive_peer): 'Request money from another wallet", the French translation suggested by you: "Demander de l'argent à un autre portefeuille". (We had "Demander un transfer depuis un autre portefeuille" before)
(4) - This is a question prompting the user to agree or abort: 'Do you want to pay this request?' is in French now: "Voulez-vous payer cette demande ?"
(5) - This is the confirmation button text: 'Pay request' is in French now "Payer la demande"
(6) - This is the final success info: 'Request paid' is in French "Demande payée"

(1) and (2) and (3) need a rectification, and I am positive with your suggestion for translation. (4) and (5) and (6) are correct to my eyes. Please comment, @Emmanuel.


2025-03-19 15:59

developer   ~0024244

The flow in my app (Wallet Android updated on the 30th of January) is :
a) Action button : "Recevoir" => OK.
b) title of page : "Demande de paiement" => OK.
c) button : "Créer une facture", => I would prefere "Valider la demande de paiement".
d) title : "Demande",=> I would prefere "Demande de paiement".

I do not see the six steps you speak about in my app. But I make some translation on
1) Request Button : "Recevoir" is OK, "Demander" is not so strait forward.
2) "Request money" could be translated into "Demander un paiement".
3) 'Request money from another wallet" I would prefere "Demander de
l'argent venant d'un autre portefeuille". (we can not ask the wallet,
we can only ask a human to do something).
4) 'Do you want to pay this request?' => 'Êtes vous d'accord pour
effectuer ce paiement?' ou ".. pour valider ce paiement?"
5) 'Pay request' => 'Valider le paiement'
6) 'Request paid' => 'Paiement effectué'

Other independant remark (is already solved normally).
If I want to cancel a Request, you have a message box with two
links : Annuler or Annuler.


2025-03-19 16:15

developer   ~0024246

@Emmanuel, please update your wallet app. on iOS we have v14.5 (wallet corev14.11) since a few days. Android wallet got an update, too.

Then, please be so kind and play through the testing again. There might be differences. In any case: Thanks for the remarks, are you going to integrate them in Weblate?

- a message box with two links : Annuler or Annuler.
This was rectified a long time ago. Are there again two identical button texts or not? is the non-destructive abort "Cancel" which is in French "Annuler" and in German "Zurück" - whereas is the destructive abort "Abort" which is in French "Exécuter l'annulation" and in German "Abbruch ausführen". So, everything OK here.


2025-03-19 17:06

developer   ~0024249

I can not get a newest version from Google Play.
PHOTO-2025-03-19-17-04-55.jpg (73,685 bytes)   
PHOTO-2025-03-19-17-04-55.jpg (73,685 bytes)   


2025-03-20 10:43

developer   ~0024251

@Emmanuel, visit with your smartphone's browser and then try the APK. I usually download the latest nightly build APK directly to my Android-emulated smartphone running on an Ubuntu Touch OS - which works fine. Taler wallet for iOS is also downloadable from both App-Store and the TestFlight application (c/o Marc) via (partially automated) background downloads. So, I have four Taler wallets (2 experimental and 2 official releases) on two devices. Please feel encouraged to try again.


2025-03-21 17:13

developer   ~0024277

I tried with the last nightly build APK.
Here are the screen shots.
This is OK for Annuler annuler.
But I still see a) b) c) d) and not 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44.jpg (47,142 bytes)   
PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44.jpg (47,142 bytes)   
PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44-2.jpg (62,511 bytes)   
PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44-2.jpg (62,511 bytes)   
PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44-3.jpg (76,624 bytes)   
PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44-3.jpg (76,624 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR New Issue
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR Status new => assigned
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR Assigned To => Stefan
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR Tag Attached: android
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR Tag Attached: language
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR Tag Attached: translation
2025-03-12 17:25 OlivierR File Added: IMG_7071.jpg
2025-03-12 17:34 Stefan Note Added: 0024181
2025-03-12 17:53 OlivierR Note Added: 0024184
2025-03-12 18:23 Stefan Note Added: 0024185
2025-03-18 11:19 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Stefan => Emmanuel
2025-03-19 15:59 Emmanuel Note Added: 0024244
2025-03-19 16:15 Stefan Note Added: 0024246
2025-03-19 17:06 Emmanuel Note Added: 0024249
2025-03-19 17:06 Emmanuel File Added: PHOTO-2025-03-19-17-04-55.jpg
2025-03-20 10:43 Stefan Note Added: 0024251
2025-03-21 17:13 Emmanuel Note Added: 0024277
2025-03-21 17:13 Emmanuel File Added: PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44.jpg
2025-03-21 17:13 Emmanuel File Added: PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44-2.jpg
2025-03-21 17:13 Emmanuel File Added: PHOTO-2025-03-21-17-12-44-3.jpg
2025-03-22 07:19 Christian Grothoff Severity minor => text