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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009411GNUnetdocumentationpublic2024-12-20 13:10
Reporterschanzen Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0009411: Doxygen needs overhaul
DescriptionWhat we currently generate with doxygen is in my opinion not really useful.
Any IDE/Editor provides the information already and nothing is provided beyond.
Probably it can be configured to show everything in a more structured way, other projects successfully do do (KDE etc)

For now, I have also stopped automatically deploying the doxygen from git master.
My guess is nobody will notice anyway.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-20 13:10 schanzen New Issue