View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009149Talermerchant-pos-terminal (Android App)public2024-12-13 19:15
Reportermikolai Assigned Toavalos  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version0.14Fixed in Version0.14 
Summary0009149: Order completion: QR code not generated - No payment received v2
DescriptionSimilar to in the actual outcome, but with at least one different root cause:

Having the POS app pointed to /instances/default will trigger a 308 redirect (see log from taler-merchant-httpd below) which is apparently not handled correctly by the POS app:

INFO Handling request (POST) for URL '/instances/default/private/orders'
WARNING Client used deprecated '/instances/default/' path. Redirecting to modern path
INFO Request for `/instances/default/private/orders' completed with HTTP status 308 (0)

Changing the URL to not include /instances/default in the first place fixes the issue on my setup, same as using another (non-default) instance.

However, I'm also facing the same user-visible error with both /instances/default _and_ /instances/pos of Since I cannot access the server logs there, I don't know any more details.
Steps To Reproduce1. Open POS app with default configuration.
2. Create an order
3. Finish the order
4. See error "No payment received"
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2024-09-02 19:27

developer   ~0023139

This should fix it:

commit 7c4148fc6db5666e9e2538c4ebdcb43a649be811 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Iván Ávalos <>
Date: Mon Sep 2 19:27:05 2024 +0200

    [pos] follow HTTP redirects

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-30 17:38 mikolai New Issue
2024-08-30 17:38 mikolai Status new => assigned
2024-08-30 17:38 mikolai Assigned To => grote
2024-09-02 10:04 Christian Grothoff Assigned To grote => avalos
2024-09-02 10:04 Christian Grothoff Target Version => 0.14
2024-09-02 19:27 avalos Status assigned => resolved
2024-09-02 19:27 avalos Resolution open => fixed
2024-09-02 19:27 avalos Note Added: 0023139
2024-09-14 01:08 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 0.14
2024-12-13 19:15 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => closed