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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009078Talermechant backendpublic2024-12-07 23:05
Reporterhow Assigned Tohow  
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version0.12 
Target Version1.3 
Summary0009078: Default wire transfer delay should be absolute
DescriptionCurrently the default wire transfer delay is computed relatively from current date + N.

This opens potential accounting and legal issues when delays are shifted, e.g., in the case of irregular payments. E.g., a 90-day invoice limit might be overstepped, or an accounting period miss some late payments.

This situation can be alleviated by deciding on a precise transfer day to convert existing relative dates to regular (absolute) calendar dates.
Additional InformationEponym field appears at
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0009360 confirmed consider computing refund deadline based on payment deadline, not order creation timestamp 


Christian Grothoff

2024-08-19 08:00

manager   ~0022994

I'm not sure you actually want it to be absolute, that would give you the same time always.
Note that per-order, you already have refund_deadline and pay_deadline and wire_transfer_deadline which ARE absolute.
See in the spec.

I think you want a "rounding" value, where the *-deadline is computed automatically rounded to the next minute/hour/day/week/month/year. That's not the same as an 'absolute' time though (in our terminology). Now, I wonder if you missed the above fields, or if we really need to add a per-instance default deadline "rounding" option. Also, do we need just rounding to minute/hour/day/week/month/year, or do we also need offsets (deadline == always 27th of the month, or always at 23:55 each day) in that case?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-15 10:18 how New Issue
2024-08-15 10:18 how Status new => assigned
2024-08-15 10:18 how Assigned To => Christian Grothoff
2024-08-18 17:53 Christian Grothoff Target Version => 1.0 stretch goals
2024-08-19 08:00 Christian Grothoff Note Added: 0022994
2024-08-19 08:00 Christian Grothoff Status assigned => feedback
2024-08-19 08:02 Christian Grothoff Assigned To Christian Grothoff => how
2024-09-16 23:51 Christian Grothoff Target Version 1.0 stretch goals => 1.3
2024-12-07 23:05 Christian Grothoff Relationship added related to 0009360