View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0009027 | Taler | exchange | public | 2024-07-28 18:10 | 2025-01-07 23:01 |
Reporter | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | confirmed | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | i7 | OS | Debian GNU/Linux | OS Version | squeeze |
Product Version | git (master) | ||||
Target Version | 1.2 | ||||
Summary | 0009027: expose measures that have been triggered to AML staff [1d] | ||||
Description | Right now, AML staff can see decisions and KYC data, but not if merely a measure was triggered. There is a note in the test_kyc_api on this. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
related to | 0009340 | closed | Christian Grothoff | exchange needs to also return non-AMLO decisions ("outcomes") in GET /decisions |
1aba2f2ae..cebece5be implements the REST API server-side. docs.git::84821d3f..aa1e9207 updates the spec. Support in libtalerexchange (and test case) are pending, so this is still open. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2024-07-28 18:10 | Christian Grothoff | New Issue | |
2024-07-28 18:10 | Christian Grothoff | Status | new => assigned |
2024-07-28 18:10 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | => Christian Grothoff |
2024-08-04 17:12 | Christian Grothoff | Summary | expose measures that have been triggered to AML staff => expose measures that have been triggered to AML staff [1d] |
2024-08-04 17:13 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | Christian Grothoff => |
2024-08-04 17:13 | Christian Grothoff | Status | assigned => confirmed |
2024-09-16 23:48 | Christian Grothoff | Target Version | post-1.0 => 1.2 |
2024-11-27 09:28 | Christian Grothoff | Relationship added | related to 0009340 |
2024-11-27 15:53 | Christian Grothoff | Note Added: 0023766 | |
2024-12-07 22:55 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | => Christian Grothoff |
2024-12-07 22:55 | Christian Grothoff | Status | confirmed => assigned |
2025-01-07 23:01 | Christian Grothoff | Assigned To | Christian Grothoff => |
2025-01-07 23:01 | Christian Grothoff | Status | assigned => confirmed |