View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008240Talerspecificationpublic2024-04-12 01:39
Reportersebasjm Assigned Tosebasjm  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Product Versiongit (master) 
Target Version0.10Fixed in Version0.10 
Summary0008240: create a new design document with a simplification of bank integrated withdrawal
Descriptionwhere we can discuss improvement in the UX

* amount should be set in the wallet and not in the bank
* static taler:// per session

others improvements
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0008691 closedFlorian Dold specify advanced (bank-integrated) withdrawal flow with 2FA considerations [estimate: 5h] 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-24 12:56 sebasjm New Issue
2024-01-24 12:56 sebasjm Status new => assigned
2024-01-24 12:56 sebasjm Assigned To => sebasjm
2024-04-10 19:16 MarcS Relationship added related to 0008691
2024-04-10 19:17 sebasjm Status assigned => resolved
2024-04-10 19:17 sebasjm Resolution open => duplicate
2024-04-10 19:17 sebasjm Relationship replaced duplicate of 0008691
2024-04-12 01:39 Christian Grothoff Status resolved => closed
2024-04-12 01:39 Christian Grothoff Fixed in Version => 0.10
2024-04-12 01:39 Christian Grothoff Target Version post-1.0 => 0.10