Taler - Roadmap
Scheduled For Release 2025-01-15
Production MVP
- 0009243: [wallet-core] When an Exchange is not reachable, wallet-core should return "not reachable" instead of some JSON error (MarcS)
- 0009394: [wallet (iOS App)] Suspiciously long loading time (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009621: [merchant backend] Webhooks cannot be created due to incorrect message (Bohdan)
- 0009513: [merchant backoffice SPA] Bank auth type (sebasjm)
- 0009481: [wallet (WebExtension)] wallet cannot pay with NETZBON (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009161: [wallet (iOS App)] Sending a small amount returns an error message. (MarcS)
- 0009487: [quality checkpoint] qc merchant KYC
- 0009247: [quality checkpoint] When ToS change in the Exchange, the user must be notified
- 0009371: [specification] Design and implement a unified /withdraw endpoint for age-withdraw and batch-withdraw (oec)
- 0009669: [auditor] Fix auditor failures after new withdraw endpoint was introduced (oec)
- 0008704: [exchange] consider checking and storing output denominations in the refresh melt phase [5d] (oec)
- 0009387: [specification]
introduce new withdraw protocol with single-signature for batch withdraw(oec) - 0009483: [exchange]
Implement new /blinding-prepare endpoint for csr preparation in batches(oec) - 0009377: [exchange]
[withdraw] refactor error handling(Christian Grothoff) - 0009372: [exchange]
Remove code duplication for /age-withdraw and /batch-withdraw(oec) - 0008164: [other] Translation of Terms of service and Privacy policy to German, French, Italian [Pre-launch task #33 - Sept] (Stefan)
- 0009488: [wallet (iOS App)] iOS walllet should render insufficient balance details / hints for merchant payments (avalos)
- 0009593: [wallet-core] Revisit lazy denomination validation logic [1-2d] (Florian Dold)
- 0009662: [deployment and operations] set up ufw for persistent blocking on firefly (dvn)
- 0009656: [challenger] write and test PIN letter submission via challenger (TOPS deployment) (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009654: [wallet-core] add TOPS and NetzBon exchange to builtin exchanges in wallet-core (Florian Dold)
- 0009646: [documentation] Merchant authentication/token API not (fully documented) (Florian Dold)
- 0009616: [wallet (Android App)] Confusing French translation: request tokens from Android. (Emmanuel)
- 0009607: [deployment and operations] taler-ansible-exchange should support backup+restore of DBs (dvn)
- 0009643: [wallet (WebExtension)] In merchant payment CTA, "show full details" leads to error message (sebasjm)
- 0009549: [wallet (all platforms)] KYC-weirdness: wallet tries kyc-wallet for 1 CHF (sebasjm)
- 0009495: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] netzbon bank claims to be a demo (sebasjm)
- 0009640: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)] AML SPA should support "confirmed download" form field (sebasjm)
- 0008035: [libeufin-nexus] get nexus to work with EBICS dialect of Maerki Baumann bank (Antoine A)
- 0008516: [documentation] need screenshots for DD53 (~2-3 hours) (MarcS)
- 0008351: [Web site(s)] Get screenshots from the latest actual mobile apps and the CHF exchange just before going live (avalos)
- 0009604: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)] AML SPA should be able to render submitted forms (sebasjm)
- 0009589: [wallet (WebExtension)] cannot send again to existing account (sebasjm)
- 0009588: [wallet (WebExtension)] deposit to learned bank account does not work (sebasjm)
- 0008567: [deployment and operations] Write Ansible playbook to deploy - Taler exchange (towards the taler-ops server) (Florian Dold)
- 0009351: [exchange] taler-exchange-helper-measure-tops-kyx-check incomplete [3d] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009582: [exchange] VQF 902.11e needs to direct to 902.9 if fiduciary is holding assets (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009575: [exchange KYC SPA]
VQF 902.1 has a bad list of Nationalities(sebasjm) - 0009577: [exchange KYC SPA]
VQF Form 902.1e is not right(sebasjm) - 0009578: [exchange KYC SPA]
weird behavior after upload of identification document(sebasjm) - 0009576: [exchange KYC SPA]
VQF 902.1 has weird "Identification document"(sebasjm) - 0009536: [wallet (WebExtension)] two CHF exchanges and weirdness everywhere (also: global vs. regional exchange settings borked) (sebasjm)
- 0009534: [merchant backoffice SPA] Adding/Editing Bank details page (sebasjm)
- 0009489: [wallet (WebExtension)] webext walllet should render insufficient balance details / hints for merchant payments (sebasjm)
- 0009334: [wallet-core] wallet does not automatically handle expired pay-merchant transactions, payment-expired test also only handles manual case (MarcS)
- 0008160: [wallet-core] Wallet UI: translation of UIs to DE/FR/IT (Stefan)
- 0008159: [wallet-core] Wallet UI: review of message texts, verify and harmonise strings between wallets (Android vs. iOS) [ongoing] (Stefan)
- 0008158: [exchange] test, package and upload exchange 1.0.0 to ftp and stable Debian/Ubuntu server [2h] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0008247: [deployment and operations] upload final 1.0 webext to Chrome Web Store [1h] (Florian Dold)
- 0009397: [wallet (iOS App)]
Better UI for unknown command(MarcS) - 0009410: [merchant backoffice SPA]
Internal error: webui errors after checking a refund(sebasjm) - 0009452: [merchant backend]
GNUNET_buffer_write_path: does not reject spaces, newlines etc(Christian Grothoff) - 0009458: [merchant backend]
sign_token_envelopes: off by one?(Christian Grothoff) - 0009474: [Web site(s)]
cgit web interface shows gnunet logo(dvn) - 0009590: [deployment and operations]
Taler's CI scripts for GNUnet need updating(dvn) - 0009591: [deployment and operations]
CI: tutorials-builder not working(dvn) - 0009592: [deployment and operations]
gana.gnunet.org builder failing(dvn) - 0009597: [Web site(s)]
Missing a logo in a page(Stefan) - 0009599: [wallet (all platforms)]
Trouble transferring tokens from Android to Iphone and vice versa.(MarcS) - 0009614: [Web site(s)]
The FAQ in Arabic looks howfull(Stefan) - 0009622: [merchant backend]
Default currency set to Kudos Instead of configured "Local" in Latest Taler Version 0.14(Christian Grothoff) - 0009632: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)]
Bank SPA should ignore additional text hint in a pasted payTo-URI(sebasjm) - 0007814: [wallet-core]
DD37: handle funky deposit txn case where aborting(refresh) might still need to do a refund [8h](Florian Dold) - 0008249: [wallet-core]
review coinSelection.ts and improve tests [8h](Florian Dold) - 0009346: [wallet-core]
expose origin payto:// URI in reserve GET endpoint(Florian Dold) - 0009445: [wallet-core]
make sure deleteExchange really deletes all transactions related to the exchange(Florian Dold) - 0009492: [other]
implement scenario for insufficient balance due to merchant misconfig(Florian Dold) - 0009529: [merchant backend]
kyc response "status" field does not reflect required KYC auth transfer(Florian Dold) - 0009539: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)]
403 error shown after password creation(sebasjm) - 0009548: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)]
transaction viewer(sebasjm) - 0009553: [challenger]
challenger SPA fails to load(sebasjm) - 0009558: [exchange]
taler-exchange-transfer neither logs warning nor stores failure on 5xx response from TWG(Florian Dold) - 0009559: [libeufin (general)]
Wire gateway API /transfer should handle wtid reuse(Antoine A) - 0009561: [wallet-core]
code duplication: get rid of TalerMerchantApi client(Florian Dold) - 0009569: [exchange]
GET /kyc-info causes an empty measure set to be activated, leading to KYC erroneously being not ok(Florian Dold) - 0009570: [exchange]
spec and implement API extension to allow AML officer to set attributes(Florian Dold) - 0009574: [wallet-core]
wallet-core should re-try withdrawal with backoff for KYC (until exchange supports long-polling)(Florian Dold) - 0009580: [exchange KYC SPA]
VQF 902.9e form does not work(sebasjm) - 0009581: [exchange KYC SPA]
VQF 902.11e form has major problems(sebasjm) - 0009587: [other]
decrease number of python workers for taler-merchant-demos(Florian Dold) - 0008443: [other]
upgrade to ES2023 with latest QuickJS - 0009236: [wallet (all platforms)]
The field "Objectif" in the creation order in French should be renamed(Stefan) - 0009405: [wallet (all platforms)]
Repurchase is broken(Antoine A) - 0009490: [wallet (Android App)]
Android walllet should render insufficient balance details / hints for merchant payments(avalos) - 0009541: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)]
bad english(sebasjm) - 0009584: [libeufin-nexus]
libeufin-nexus manual import from stdin(Antoine A) - 0009605: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)]
AML officer must be able to submit forms(sebasjm) - 0009608: [documentation]
document TOPS AML/KYC setup(Florian Dold) - 0009636: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)]
founder fields doesn't hide when selecting account type = legal entity(sebasjm) - 0009665: [exchange]
exchange does not count AML events properly(Christian Grothoff) - 0009408: [merchant backoffice SPA]
impossible to create a new product in inventory(sebasjm) - 0009496: [wallet (Android App)]
%20 inserted into wire transfer subject with reserve pub when using copy button(avalos) - 0009653: [exchange]
Error message not very informative(Christian Grothoff) - 0009648: [merchant backend]
null ptr deref in depositcheck(Christian Grothoff) - 0009579: [deployment and operations]
weird Git hook failure(dvn) - 0008877: [deployment and operations]
Make CI containers use ramdisk/tmpfs [estimate: 10h](dvn) - 0008524: [qtart]
resolve include path issues in QuickJS-rt.xcodeproj(MarcS) - 0009552: [challenger]
challenger SPA refuses to load without restrictions(sebasjm) - 0009493: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)]
409 not handled properly when changing password(sebasjm) - 0009609: [exchange]
new rules in AML decision should be optional(Christian Grothoff) - 0009630: [merchant backend]
confusing if statement in generate_success_response(Christian Grothoff) - 0009629: [merchant backend]
url_handler: memory leak(Christian Grothoff) - 0009628: [merchant backend]
pending_deposits_cb: memory leak(Christian Grothoff) - 0009631: [merchant backend]
enum type mismatch in parse_abort(Christian Grothoff) - 0009633: [merchant backend]
TMH_post_orders_ID_paid: unused variable choice_index_null;(Christian Grothoff) - 0009638: [merchant backend]
TMH_private_get_transfers: memory leak(Christian Grothoff) - 0009602: [wallet (iOS App)]
Buttons "Fertig" and "Abbrechen" are not clickable in the app(MarcS) - 0009617: [specification]
Deviations from Crockford's base-32(Christian Grothoff) - 0009550: [exchange KYC SPA]
KYC SPA language switcher broken(sebasjm) - 0009456: [deployment and operations]
migrate buildbot to firefly(dvn) - 0009563: [merchant backend]
merchant must do non-cherrypicked keys download on unknown denominations(Christian Grothoff) - 0008059: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)]
new wire transfers do not show in SPA until explicit 'reload'(sebasjm) - 0008488: [deployment and operations]
investigate git hook to avoid submodule rewind(sebasjm) - 0008777: [libeufin-nexus]
confirm assumptions about c52 in zka/gls dialect.(Antoine A) - 0008843: [wallet (Android App)]
Use Hilt injection framework to solve various issues(grote) - 0009252: [wallet-core]
fail to trigger second kyc, wallet core should move tx to kyc state(sebasjm) - 0009262: [wallet (Android App)]
Unified UI/UX flows(avalos) - 0009359: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)]
sandcastle-ng is failing to build(dvn) - 0009367: [wallet-core]
add flag to balance-change notification for transaction that change the user-visible balance(Florian Dold) - 0009395: [auditor]
editorial code cleanup(oec) - 0009398: [wallet (Android App)]
TOS animation is slow(avalos) - 0009399: [wallet (Android App)]
Netzbon withdrawl QR codes are broken on Android(avalos) - 0009409: [merchant backoffice SPA]
can't edit a category: "Category id is unknown"(sebasjm) - 0009431: [libeufin (general)]
Simplify incoming talerable transactions schema(Antoine A) - 0009432: [libeufin-bank]
Lazy stats(Antoine A) - 0009440: [merchant backend]
integration test "payment-abort" crashes merchant backend(Florian Dold) - 0009443: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)]
merchant PoS should have much longer timeout by default(avalos) - 0009444: [wallet-core]
wallet-core should properly transition to an aborted state if another wallet already accepted the bank-integrated withdrawal(Florian Dold) - 0009459: [libeufin-nexus]
Administrative balance adjustement(Antoine A) - 0009473: [sandcastle (containerized demo deployment)]
sandcastle-ng fails to build exchange due to pinned version's submodules(Florian Dold) - 0009475: [exchange]
exchange doesn't support new_measures output of AML programs(Florian Dold) - 0009477: [wallet (Android App)]
Add DONAU verificator Android app to taler-android monorepo(avalos) - 0009480: [merchant backoffice SPA]
merchant SPA should clear cached /config in local storage when logging out(sebasjm) - 0009484: [merchant backoffice SPA]
merchant SPA shows that KYC is required when exchange response is 204(sebasjm) - 0009485: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)]
bank SPA should consider per-account cashout minimum and show minimum cashout amount(sebasjm) - 0009486: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)]
when changing the legal name, cashout payto URI should also be adjusted(Antoine A) - 0009494: [wallet (Android App)]
amount entry dialog for templates hard to read(avalos) - 0009498: [libeufin-bank]
cannot change cashout IBAN (from empty) in SPA(sebasjm) - 0009503: [deployment and operations]
demo.taler.net should be migrated to firefly(Florian Dold) - 0009509: [merchant backoffice SPA]
Webhook creation(sebasjm) - 0009512: [merchant backoffice SPA]
Inventory page(sebasjm) - 0009514: [merchant backoffice SPA]
product search is case-sensitive(sebasjm) - 0009517: [merchant backoffice SPA]
Quantity error message too small(sebasjm) - 0009518: [merchant backoffice SPA]
2 "Total price" fields and missing discount field(sebasjm) - 0009519: [merchant backoffice SPA]
"copy url" button in Orders page(sebasjm) - 0009520: [merchant backoffice SPA]
Fulfillment message not supported in order advanced creation(sebasjm) - 0009521: [merchant backoffice SPA]
delivery location field missing(sebasjm) - 0009522: [merchant backoffice SPA]
Price or Price per unit(sebasjm) - 0009543: [wallet (WebExtension)]
wire transfer subject lacks "Taler " prefix(sebasjm) - 0009545: [auditor (SPA)]
auditor SPA fails to load(sebasjm) - 0009478: [wallet (Android App)]
Tilting closes the app(avalos) - 0009526: [deployment and operations]
Unable to schedule CI jobs manually(dvn) - 0009537: [wallet (WebExtension)]
cannot withdraw from TOPS-exchange(sebasjm) - 0009535: [wallet (WebExtension)]
Cannot enable taler-ops exchange in web-extension wallet(sebasjm) - 0009528: [merchant backend]
TALER_MERCHANTDB_token_family_details_free only frees memory partially(Christian Grothoff) - 0009527: [merchant backend]
FIXME in TALER_MERCHANTDB_category_details_free looks like a legit memory leak(Christian Grothoff) - 0009417: [merchant backend]
support for contract version v1 in merchant backend is incomplete/broken(avalos) - 0009482: [deployment and operations]
monitoring should check for non-empty global fees(Christian Grothoff) - 0008641: [deployment and operations]
Take into account Taler "keys" while monitoring with Grafana.(Christian Grothoff) - 0009451: [merchant backend]
merchant does not update KYC status info (test: kyc-merchant-deposit)(Florian Dold) - 0009450: [merchant backend]
account restrictions crash kyccheck (test: account-restrictions)(Florian Dold) - 0009449: [exchange]
batch-deposit is not idempotent (test: wallet-dbless)(Florian Dold) - 0009446: [exchange]
auditor test results in closer process crashing(Florian Dold) - 0009418: [auditor]
taler-wire-auditor-debit does not undo reports(Christian Grothoff) - 0009437: [exchange]
AML decisions cannot trigger events(Christian Grothoff) - 0009425: [merchant backend]
multi-currency support in the merchant backend is incomplete(Christian Grothoff) - 0009420: [exchange]
q= parameter of HTTP protocols for priorities not respected(Christian Grothoff) - 0009428: [exchange]
TALER_MHD_check_accept should be used(Christian Grothoff) - 0009423: [auditor]
history functions do not implement limit/offset(Christian Grothoff) - 0009421: [exchange]
json_helper does not validate normalized payto URIs(Christian Grothoff) - 0009414: [deployment and operations]
auditor configuration incomplete in ansible deployment [1d](Christian Grothoff) - 0009416: [merchant backend]
contract choice logic for v1 contracts is wrong in merchant backend(Christian Grothoff) - 0009376: [merchant backend]
merchant backend should refuse order creation when account is not verified via KYC transfer(Christian Grothoff) - 0008561: [other]
Create welcome package for NetzBon merchants also usable for Taler Operations onboarding [4h](Christian Grothoff) - 0009400: [wallet (iOS App)]
Cannot start a withdrawal with QR for exchange.e.netzbon-basel.ch(MarcS) - 0009618: [merchant backend]
Some labels and texts are very engineer specific not supplier/merchant specific(Christian Grothoff) - 0009429: [exchange]
accepting ToS in KYC SPA causes exchange internal error(Christian Grothoff)
136 of 177 issue(s) resolved View Issues