Taler - Change Log
Released 2024-12-16
Polishing. Everything for first CH-production that can't wait until the last minute.
- 0009397: [wallet (iOS App)] Better UI for unknown command (MarcS)
- 0009599: [wallet (all platforms)] Trouble transferring tokens from Android to Iphone and vice versa. (MarcS)
- 0009602: [wallet (iOS App)] Buttons "Fertig" and "Abbrechen" are not clickable in the app (MarcS)
- 0009400: [wallet (iOS App)] Cannot start a withdrawal with QR for exchange.e.netzbon-basel.ch (MarcS)
- 0009372: [exchange] Remove code duplication for /age-withdraw and /batch-withdraw (oec)
- 0009195: [merchant backoffice SPA] merchant backend SPA interface is barely translated into German or French (stmr)
- 0008231: [exchange] Update README in exchange (oec)
- 0008754: [libeufin-nexus] Safer bouncing strategy (Antoine A)
- 0008058: [merchant backoffice SPA] after KYC is done, SPA page is ugly (sebasjm)
- 0008299: [Web site(s)] French translations for taler-ops.ch (Emmanuel)
- 0008833: [wallet-core] transaction should persist their fail/abort reason [4h] (Florian Dold)
- 0008958: [wallet (WebExtension)] webext wallet should render alternate QR codes for manual withdrawal, show sharing and banking options (sebasjm)
- 0009000: [libeufin (general)] Set limits to all requests params (Antoine A)
- 0009066: [deployment and operations] Cleanup CI artifacts automatically (dvn)
- 0009082: [deployment and operations] lock down demo with random passwords instead of "sandbox" [4h] (Florian Dold)
- 0009086: [deployment and operations] References to old location of CI debian versioning script (dvn)
- 0009088: [deployment and operations] postgres 16 not supported, which is in latest ubuntu 24.04 (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009149: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)] Order completion: QR code not generated - No payment received v2 (avalos)
- 0009151: [wallet (Android App)] Deposit to bank shows IBAN form instead of x-taler-bank or payto-link (avalos)
- 0009158: [wallet (Android App)] Android wallet complains about JSON response for pending withdrawals (avalos)
- 0009163: [wallet-core] building wallet-core requires root access? (root)
- 0009165: [merchant-pos-terminal (Android App)] Do not show password in the settings screen (only on password change) (avalos)
- 0009167: [cashier (Android App)] Textfield for amount per default is too small for amounts longer than one digit (avalos)
- 0009180: [wallet-core] checkPeerPushDebit needs scopeInfo parameter (Florian Dold)
- 0009181: [wallet-core] per-exchange insufficient balance details don't properly report maxEffectiveSpendAmount (Florian Dold)
- 0009200: [libeufin-nexus] Use HAA (download retrievable business transaction formats BTF) to only performs necessary fetches (Antoine A)
- 0009214: [exchange] exchange claims bad_kyc_auth=true, but account_pub is the same as merchant_pub (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009215: [merchant backend] merchant /private/kyc endpoint returns wrong payto subject (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009219: [merchant backend] merchant's GET /orders/{order_id} long-poller does not wake up with repurchase (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009221: [wallet (iOS App)] interface between iOS wallet and other apps should be documented (MarcS)
- 0009233: [specification] bank API version bump needed for c2ec? (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009239: [merchant backend] i can't pay at the merchant with kyc enabled (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009240: [merchant backend] test_merchant_product_creation fails (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009241: [exchange] error after completing kyc (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009245: [merchant backend] merchant backend should report limits (from /keys) when /kyc-check returns 404/1939 (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009250: [exchange] withdrawal KYC not triggered anymore (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009030: [wallet-core] implement getTransactionsV2 API based on materialized transactions (Florian Dold)
- 0009071: [wallet-core] implement KYC transfer for deposits [4h] (Florian Dold)
- 0009135: [wallet-core] wallet-core should expose to UIs when legi limits will be crossed *before* the transaction is created [2d] (Florian Dold)
- 0009166: [cashier (Android App)] Allow to withdraw money from account with credit limit (avalos)
- 0009171: [taler-harness] merchant kyc integration test [4h] (Florian Dold)
- 0009193: [wallet-core] write test for repurchase detection long-polling (Florian Dold)
- 0009213: [wallet-core] payment transactions should automatically abort when the merchant has KYC problems [2h] (Florian Dold)
- 0007304: [exchange] should we normalize payto://-URIs in the exchange before hashing? [5d] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0008062: [auditor] auditor tests are currently not working... [1d] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0008163: [other] Terms of service and Privacy policy (NetzBon and Swiss sandbox implementation/Taler Operations AG) [September] (Stefan)
- 0008826: [other] pogen should add msgctxt based on the source code (sebasjm)
- 0008977: [wallet-core] check debit/credit restriction configured in exchange is being used in wallet-core [4hs] (Florian Dold)
- 0009174: [exchange] operation_type=deposit rule gets triggered, but subsequent kyc-check returns 200 (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009073: [wallet (iOS App)] Internal Error when aborting and deleting withdrawal in iOS app (MarcS)
- 0009119: [libeufin-nexus] Support batching transactions (Antoine A)
- 0009144: [libeufin-bank] libeufin-bank doesn't accept basic auth, causing exchange's test_bank_api_with_nexus to fail (Antoine A)
- 0009145: [libeufin (general)] "make dist" in libeufin.git includes entire wallet-core prebuilt branch (Antoine A)
- 0009150: [wallet-core] Polling problem on wallet-initiated withdrawal (mikolai)
- 0009157: [wallet (Android App)] Wallet does not ask to accept Exchange TOS during p2p payment reception (avalos)
- 0009183: [merchant backend] merchant backend reports unexpected error code when wallet deposits coins with bad exchange base URL (Florian Dold)
- 0009185: [exchange] no signature from merchant_priv on /batch-deposit (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009197: [merchant backend] merchant order creation hangs when the only configured wire account is not supported by the exchange (Florian Dold)
- 0009198: [merchant backoffice SPA] when setting up an x-taler-bank-account, only warn about domain names without a dot (sebasjm)
- 0009199: [libeufin-nexus] Nexus ebics-setup should check supported order types and permissions (Antoine A)
- 0009202: [wallet (iOS App)] Deleting exchange not possible (MarcS)
- 0009203: [exchange] backends should probably not start if database version is outdated (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009209: [exchange] reserves not closed at Datenspuren (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009216: [merchant backend] merchant can't get KYC info from exchange (sebasjm)
- 0009218: [merchant backend] merchant's /private/kyc endpoint does not update KYC status after AMLO decision (Florian Dold)
- 0009220: [libeufin-bank] cant create transaction using subject as payto param (sebasjm)
- 0009228: [merchant backoffice SPA] Testing credentials for Taler revenue API fails for account with no transaction history (sebasjm)
- 0009230: [cashier (Android App)] Already cancelled withdrawal can be confirmed during next (independant) withdrawal operation (avalos)
- 0009232: [libeufin-bank] modify wopid/confirm endpoint to allow client to provide amount at this time (Antoine A)
- 0009235: [wallet (Android App)] When generating an order, TOS is required, but not asked (avalos)
- 0009242: [wallet-core] After deleteExchange, wallet-core should send a balance-changed notification... (Florian Dold)
- 0009244: [merchant backend] merchant should refuse order creation when it would trigger a DEPOSIT limit (Florian Dold)
- 0009266: [merchant backend] adding category 'drinks' does not work (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009255: [wallet (iOS App)] fix start-up text (MarcS)
- 0009261: [exchange] taler-exchange compile from source fails (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009265: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] Use ephemeral session token (sebasjm)
- 0009273: [merchant backend] Do we need some explicit transactions? ex: deposit_get_cb (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009275: [exchange] Exchange should have a way to simulate KYC triggers (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009296: [other] tutorials.taler.net down (dvn)
- 0009025: [libeufin-bank] Support enforcing token authentication (Antoine A)
- 0009154: [exchange KYC SPA] generic form (sebasjm)
- 0009217: [merchant backend] account & status identification in /private/kyc (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009237: [wallet (Android App)] netzbon reports withdrawing fails on Android (Florian Dold)
- 0009280: [merchant backend] When adding a new order, impossible to validate (sebasjm)
- 0009319: [libeufin-nexus] libeufin-nexus ebics-setup should be able to check the bank key based on the configuration (Antoine A)
- 0009337: [exchange] several build failures (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009341: [merchant backend] taler_merchant_util.h: typo in header guard (Christian Grothoff)
- 0008414: [wallet-core] wallet-core should be able to export the db via the sqlite3 backup functionality [estimate: 5h] (Florian Dold)
- 0008680: [deployment and operations] CI projects not always picking up latest nightly packages (dvn)
- 0008727: [wallet (iOS App)] implement DD53 design unification on iOS (MarcS)
- 0009146: [documentation] HTML documentation does not render mathematics properly (oec)
- 0009153: [exchange KYC SPA] need specification for KYC SPA requirements by GLS (LeoW)
- 0009159: [wallet (Android App)] Pending deposit to bank account cannot be cancelled (avalos)
- 0009162: [wallet (iOS App)] No hint what is the smallest amount which can be send. (MarcS)
- 0009164: [wallet-core] python dependency does not include non-default modules (Florian Dold)
- 0009186: [wallet (Android App)] use different terminology than "kill" to fail a transaction, warn user about consequences (Florian Dold)
- 0009211: [libeufin-bank] Don't fail when transferring to non-existent bank accounts (Antoine A)
- 0009226: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] Recipient field for x-taler-bank accounts too restrictive (sebasjm)
- 0009227: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] Statistics on bank admin startpage seem off (sebasjm)
- 0009254: [exchange] empty standard input in aml programs (sebasjm)
- 0009268: [Web site(s)] Internationalisation for the demo pages on demo.taler.net show no effect (Florian Dold)
- 0009269: [libeufin-bank] Password and lockout policy (Antoine A)
- 0009271: [libeufin-bank] Lockout policy (Antoine A)
- 0009272: [libeufin-bank] Password recovery and account unlocking (Antoine A)
- 0009270: [libeufin-bank] Password policy (sebasjm)
- 0009282: [wallet-core] prepare... functions need to return scope: ScopeInfo in the result struct (Florian Dold)
- 0009289: [wallet-core] GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount: accept ScopeInfo instead of exchangeBaseUrl, and return the baseURL for global scope (Florian Dold)
- 0009293: [deployment and operations] The HEAD merchant should accept KUDOS from DEMO also (Florian Dold)
- 0009303: [exchange] exchange should track running aml programs in the database (Florian Dold)
- 0009304: [libeufin-nexus] Checkpoint fetch (Antoine A)
- 0009317: [wallet (all platforms)] Swiss QR code malformed (Emmanuel)
- 0009320: [exchange] successor measure not implemented in kyc-info (Florian Dold)
- 0009330: [merchant backend] Corrections of English strings in the Merchant Backend / Backoffice (sebasjm)
- 0009332: [wallet-core] wallet-core should NOT post balance-change when balance (or pending) didn't change (Florian Dold)
- 0009338: [exchange] exchange should apply successor measure on expired ruleset when querying decisions (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009339: [exchange] some exchange endpoints to not handle NULL jnew_rules (Florian Dold)
- 0009347: [exchange] crash when the aml program fails (sebasjm)
- 0009348: [wallet-core] getTransactionById should return product images if requested (Florian Dold)
- 0009354: [deployment and operations] regional currency script doesn't support new split taler configurations (Antoine A)
- 0009357: [deployment and operations] apt repo for nightlies failing signature check (dvn)
- 0009362: [wallet-core] wallet-core is not sending notifications for successful/failed refunds (Florian Dold)
- 0009364: [merchant backend] TMH_accounts_array_valid: unsigned int -> size_t (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009365: [wallet (Android App)] String adjustments in Android wallet [urgent] (avalos)
- 0009366: [exchange] asking check-info for second time makes the exchange breaks (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009375: [libeufin-bank] sender_wire does not contain receiver-name (Antoine A)
- 0009378: [merchant backend] requesting /instances/default crashes the merchant backend (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009379: [merchant backend] consider improving error reporting when exchange keys update helper is not running (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009380: [deployment and operations] [exchange] tests in buildbot skip auditor tests (oec)
- 0009381: [exchange] lookup_deposit_wtid does not take reserves into consideration (Florian Dold)
- 0009382: [exchange] failed AMP results in DB error (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009383: [auditor] auditor test fails (Christian Grothoff)
- 0007838: [challenger] Add support for rfc7636 to challenger (Bohdan)
- 0008986: [merchant backoffice SPA] Backend not showing error when inserting products with duplicated IDs (avalos)
- 0009072: [libeufin-bank-ui (SPA)] bank account deletion not shown / unsuccessful (sebasjm)
- 0009124: [exchange] add 'new_measures' field to new_rules / LegitimizationRuleSet (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009131: [exchange] exchange /keys should expose more info about AML/KYC hard limits (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009138: [exchange KYC SPA] exchange KYC SPA should have entry point to go to the status of the last KYC process (sebasjm)
- 0009155: [merchant backend] crash in merchant deposit check (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009170: [merchant backend] Creating oder with version field in JSON returns HTTP 400 (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009191: [deployment and operations] GNUnet debian package build failing causing other projects to fail (dvn)
- 0008834: [merchant backend] merchant backend should be able to generate PoS config JSON from inventory (nullptrderef)
- 0008987: [merchant backoffice SPA] When adding a product, using a fractional number results in a validation error (sebasjm)
- 0009079: [merchant backend] Refund delay must be clarified (sebasjm)
- 0009083: [merchant backoffice SPA] JS sometimes crashes while creating order (sebasjm)
- 0009096: [exchange] exchange should support long-polling for KYC transfer [4h] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009098: [exchange] deposit works despite OPERATION_TYPE=AGGREGATE rule that should trigger AML (Florian Dold)
- 0009125: [exchange] kyc-start fails with assertion (Florian Dold)
- 0009126: [exchange] sort out CONVERTER vs KYC_OAUTH2_CONVERTER_HELPER in KYC/AML configuration [2-4h] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009140: [exchange] Wire auditors helpers exit with status code 6 without further logs (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009142: [exchange] exchange is storing KYC attributes in a weird, undocumented JSON format [4-8h] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009156: [exchange AML backoffice (SPA)] allow AML decisions for unknown accounts (sebasjm)
- 0009169: [specification] not clear what happen when the merchant gets 451 on /deposit [2d] (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009172: [exchange] consider providing API to query the current account public key (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009173: [exchange] KYC requirement during aggregation does not wake up /deposits/... long-poller (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009176: [merchant backend] split of /kyc-check request into helper (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009175: [merchant backend] split of /keys requests into helper (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009182: [exchange] unable to specify withdrawal hard limit in the exchange configuration (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009184: [merchant backend] merchant's /private/kyc returns status 204 despite zero deposit limit at exchange (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009188: [exchange] /admin/add-kyctransfer results in OOM error response (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009189: [exchange] exchange /keys should expose tiny_amount (Christian Grothoff)
- 0009192: [merchant backoffice SPA] weird message about "going back to default instance" (sebasjm)
- 0009196: [auditor] problem with shared lib (Christian Grothoff)
162 issues View Issues