Distilled from libeufin-cli (HEAD == fc800dae22f656b378e31a5c2b14285043801918). users self -- Show information about authenticated user users list -- List users users USERNAME --new-password -- Change user's password (as superuser) users create USERNAME [--password PASSWORD] -- Create a new user permissions list -- Show permissions permissions grant SUBJECT-TYPE SUBJECT-ID RESOURCE-TYPE RESOURCE-ID PERMISSION-NAME -- Grant permission to a subject permissions revoke SUBJECT-TYPE SUBJECT-ID RESOURCE-TYPE RESOURCE-ID PERMISSION-NAME -- Revoke permission from a subject --sandbox-url -- URL for the sandbox connections get_key_letter CONNECTION-NAME OUTPUT-FILE -- Get key letter (typically PDF) connections export_backup CONNECTION-NAME --passphrase STRING --output-file FILENAME -- Export backup connections delete_connection CONNECTION-NAME -- Delete bank connection connections restore_backup CONNECTION-NAME --backup-file FILENAME --passphrase STRING -- Restore backup connections new_ebics_connection CONNECTION-NAME --ebics-url URL --host-id ID --partner-id ID --ebics-user-id ID -- Make new EBICS bank connection connections connect CONNECTION-NAME -- Initialize the bank connection connections import_bank_account CONNECTION-NAME --offered-account-id ID --nexus-bank-account-id ID -- Import one bank account, chosen from the downloaded ones connections download_bank_accounts CONNECTION-NAME -- Update list of bank accounts available through this connection connections list_connections -- List the connections connections show_connection -- Show the status of a bank connection connections list_offered_bank_accounts CONNECTION-NAME -- List bank accounts hosted at one connection accounts task_schedule ACCOUNT-NAME --task-name NAME --task-cronspec SPEC --task-type TYPE [--task-param-range-type TYPE] [--task-param-level LEVEL] -- Schedule a new task accounts task_status ACCOUNT-NAME --task-name NAME -- Show the status of a task accounts task_delete ACCOUNT-NAME --task-name NAME -- Delete a task accounts list-tasks -- List all the configured tasks accounts show -- Show accounts belonging to calling user accounts prepare_payment ACCOUNT-NAME --creditor-iban IBAN [--creditor-bic BIC] --creditor-name NAME --payment-amount CURRENCY:X.Y --payment-subject STRING -- Prepare payment initiation debiting the account accounts submit_payment ACCOUNT-NAME --payment-uuid UUID -- Submit a payment initiation accounts show_payment ACCOUNT-NAME --payment-uuid UUID -- Show status of a payment initiation accounts list_payments ACCOUNT-NAME -- List payment initiations accounts delete_payment ACCOUNT-NAME --payment-uuid UUID -- Delete a payment initiation ? accounts fetch_transactions ACCOUNT-NAME --range-type TYPE --level LEVEL -- Fetch transactions from the bank accounts transactions ACCOUNT-NAME [--compact | --no-compact] -- Get transactions from the simplified nexus JSON API facades list -- List active facades in the Nexus facades new-anastasis-facade CONNECTION-NAME ACCOUNT-NAME --facade-name NAME --currency CUR -- Create a new Anastasis facade facades new-taler-wire-gateway-facade CONNECTION-NAME ACCOUNT-NAME --facade-name NAME --currency CUR -- Create a new Taler Wire Gateway facade sandbox check -- Check sandbox status sandbox ebicshost create --host-id ID -- Create an EBICS host sandbox ebicshost list -- List EBICS hosts sandbox ebicssubscriber create --host-id ID --partner-id ID --user-id ID -- Create an EBICS subscriber sandbox ebicssubscriber list -- List EBICS subscribers sandbox ebicsbankaccount create --iban IBAN --bic BIC --person-name NAME --account-name NAME --ebics-user-id ID --ebics-host-id ID --ebics-partner-id ID -- Create a bank account for a EBICS subscriber sandbox demobank new-transaction --bank-account LABEL --payto-with-subject PAYTO --amount CURRENCY:X.Y -- Initiate a new transaction sandbox demobank info --bank-account LABEL -- Return basic information of a bank account sandbox demobank register -- Register a new bank account sandbox demobank new-ebicssubscriber --host-id ID --partner-id ID --user-id ID --bank-account LABEL -- Associate a new Ebics subscriber to a existing bank account sandbox bankaccoun list -- List accounts sandbox bankaccount transactions ACCOUNT-LABEL -- List transactions sandbox bankaccount generate-transactions ACCOUNT-LABEL -- Generate test transactions sandbox bankaccount simulate_incoming_transaction ACCOUNT-NAME [--debtor-iban IBAN] [--debtor-bic BIC] [--debtor-name NAME] [--amount X.Y] --subject STRING -- Book an incoming payment in the sandbox